Last Tuesday I posted this on my Facebook Wall:
I will do this today! "Instead of focusing on a to-do list today, create a “to enjoy” list and check those things off instead."
Then come Wednesday, my good friend Heather posted THIS amazing post about making an Enjoy List. She posted it on Facebook too!
Heather : “Also started a To-Enjoy List Challenge inspired by Lindsay Cotter?”
After my Friday post, my other good friend Kalli left me this comment.
“so sorry you had a tough week girl! hang in and yes read some of YOUR posts.....they are very uplifting for sure.”
And that’s when it hit me. HARD! I thought to myself….
“Lindsay, wake up and practice what you preach, take your own advice, switch your FOCUS!”
Okay okay, I hear ya! And I can’t thank these ladies enough for making me realize that this weekend. Today I will remember my PROMISES and start making my ENJOY LIST!
This week I Enjoyed….
some one on one time with this cutie.
Staying up late watching the NBA finals (GO MAVS) while enjoying GF cold one.
I definitely grew up around too many boys.
slurping right out of the bowl of a delicious COLD breakfast
Stopping in to see family and leaving feeling even more encouraged and loved!
Finding hidden Gems- cute little coffee shop off a beaten path
Running through the sprinklers after a hot run.
Hot but good! And I’ve got the red cheeks to prove it
And pretty soon, I’ll enjoy driving to the airport to pick up this cute guy.
I feel as if I could go on forever with this list. All those little things really do add up. I’m sure glad I finally decided to take my own advice, it made for a very ENJOYABLE weekend.
What's the best advice you ever taken? Did you make your enjoy list?
Do it now if not!
Congrats to all those who raced this weekend. Lots marathon runners, triathletes, and more! You guys know who you are.