Oh the wonderment that is Wednesday, we have so much too look forward to on this day. We’re half way through the week, we get to say “hump” (jk, I actually hate that word), Modern Family is on TV, and last but not least…..IT’S WIAW TIME!
But first, here’s something to wonder about.
From my Daily Quotation Calendar (Sarah, I know you love these quotations!).
“What you think about when you have nothing to do reveals what is important to you.”
I don’t remember the last time I had nothing to do, haha. Actually, yes…when we were on vacation we had nothing to really do. What did I think about then? I thought about relaxing, connecting with my husband, and soaking up some sunshine. So I guess what is important to me is BALANCE. Hmmm….I could go much deeper, but I won’t. Your turn to wonder!!
Now I am wondering about food…lets get to that.
Chia pudding with dried mango and orange peel. Then I dressed it up a bit with some brown rice crispies and GF granola clusters..
Colorful Snacks
Can you even tell what this is? I’ll give a hint. There is ketchup and chicken sausage involved! 

Then I tried something new. The verdict?…..”meh.”
Not good, but not too too bad. At least I have it a whirl. Anyone else tried it?
I think I’ll stick to my first love!
Din Din
Because its never to late for breakfast. GF bagels, eggs, fruit Salad.
We enjoyed a little NEW ZEALAND celebration as well since the hubs got a new sponsor.
Definitely an answered prayer!
Now I could go on with a What I Worked Wednesday, but sometimes I feel like its too much in one post. Or maybe its just me being lazy. haha. What do you think, too much food overload? Or is there still room for a workout in the wonderment that is Wednesday?