Monday, May 2, 2011

The Goal-less Cotter

Oh boy oh boy. Here I go. My name is Lindsay and I don’t make Goals. SAY WHAT?!

Let me back that up…….You see, a few weeks ago, a blog buddy of mine (Petra) and I were exchanging emails about her BOSTON recap. I was getting all the details and congratulating her on an AWESOME race. At the end of our email exchange, she suggested I write a post about my personal goals. I told her I don’t do goals. They make me anxious. She was intrigued and wanted to know more. So here I am, explaining myself. Told you I was COMPLEX! haha.

I am going to be straight forward here and the best way to do this for me is by bullet point.
 I mean, that’s pretty direct, right? Winking smile
  • I don’t make goals because they usually have a deadline or an end point and that makes me anxious. I don’t work well under pressure.
  • I don’t make goals because I get too caught up in achieving those goals and therefore lose sight of living and embracing the present.
  • I don’t make goals because I our current living situation and careers change so much each day that I need “wiggle” room just to get by. In order to find balance, I must be a flexible wife.
  • I don’t make goals because the hubs already has GOALS and I want to be the support crew for those GOALS.
Do I sound lame? I promise I have a purpose! I may not have GOALS but I do strive for GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES, for daily CHALLENGES, for FOCUS!

To me, these are things that I can apply daily. They make me feel less anxious. They are things that I can STRIVE for each day. Again, here come the bullet points.
  • Today I want to GROW as a wife. Learning to love and support my husband each day. Focusing on the small things that can uplift him DAILY.
  • DSCF0271
  • Today I want to CHALLENGE myself to be a better steward of our money. Holly mentioned she was going to start a grocery budget and I am totally on board!
  • Today I want to FOCUS on listening to my body. What does it need more or less of? More rest, less stress, plenty of nourishment.
  • Today I want to CHALLENGE myself to look past a training plan. To me that means letting my passion dictate my runs. And right now, that passion has me outdoors hitting the TRAILS. A passionate runner is a successful runner, right?
  • Today I want GROW in my walk with GOD. Praying that HE may guide our path and that I may have the eyes to see and the ears to listen to Him. Because ultimately, it all comes down this …..
Now I do realize that GOALS are GOOD for most people. In fact, I highly recommend making them! But this is just works best for me, for my COMPLEX thinking, for my PRESENT being.

Do you do well with setting goals?
