Well, you know what today is. It’s What I ate Wednesday! Normally, I am ALL OVER THIS! But today, I’m lacking it. My computer decided to hate me for leaving this weekend and left a nasty virus. Such a warm welcome home (enter sarcasm). No no, not complaing. Promise, just stating the facts. Okay thats a stretching it, I know. haha
Anyway, I have no food in my pantry and have yet to find time to go to the store.
Thank goodness for my NUTTZO staple and cereal. haha.
But moving past the food (or lack there of food), I know a lot of you were wondering about the hubs’ race. I kind of left you hanging. I can’t really speak for him, but I can say this……it was a crappy day.
Crappy days come and go. You question a lot, you get frustrated, angry, disappointed, and then you MOVE ON!! No need to rehash all the small things, ya know? The focus is now on recovery before the next race. I know I talk as if I am racing but I am not. He’s the competitive one here. But I am part of the COTTER CREW and I care A LOT about his passion, his pro career, his health, etc.
Even though the day did not go as we had hoped, I was still able to capture moments of hard work, focus, dedication, smiles, and more.
What I Watched Wednesday…..The Race.
the prep day
pre-game show
My favorite age grouper getting ready to go! YEA BRE!
Also not pictured is Mandy (Caratunk girl). I got to meet her and cheer her on as well!
The race to the finish
How to move past a crappy day……
When in Rome, right? Enjoy the comforts of Northeastern foods. First time for the hubs to try a cannoli!
I think it made him happy.....for the time being.
We will sometimes fail to be who we want to be but we will get closer to who we are meant to be every time we fall and then choose to take God’s hand so we can get up again!
Now go check out Heather's post to make you feel all warm and fuzzy!
Friday someone will get free tea! hehe.