Not one, not two, not three, BUT almost ALL of the blog posts I read talked about how they were changing (for the better), their updates on current growths/goals, and any other challenges that they might be facing or persevering through. This is where it hit me (figuratively of course)……this “blogging” community truly does LEARN from each other.
We learn to INSPIRE each other, we learn to ENCOURAGE each other, we learn to keep each other ACCOUNTABLE, we learn to be REAL with each other. That, my friends, is why I want to be a better person today, and strive to be a better person tomorrow, and so on and so on.
So keeping with the WHAT I LEARNED topic here. Lets get to some eats.
At BREAKFAST I learned it’s okay to be repetitive.
I love my chia pudding!
For SNACKS I learned that the TWINS know their stuff in the kitchen.
I got to try some of their delicious biscotti!
For LUNCH I learned I like weird combos…but who doesn’t? haha.
GF Toast, with hummus, ketchup, hardboiled egg, and hot n' spicy peanuts.
Que the weirdness factor here!
don’t worry, I evened it out with some normal eats.
Oh wait, you mean WASABI PEAS are not a normal for part of lunch? 

For HAPPY HOUR I learned that Kombucha is even prettier and tastier in an IRONMAN WINE GLASS!
For DINNER I learned that I can take try new cuisine because I know at least three of you have recommended it!
(Missy, this pic is for you)
I also LEARNED that a dinner at home is a chance to create a new recipe!
GF Hummus Flat Cake, Smoked Paprika, Sautéed Spinach and Cabbage, and Salmon w/ Yellow Rice.
*recipe to come.
I learned that there is always room for MORE after dinner.
Cherry Berry Healthy Bites and well, some kind of yogurt/fruit mix!
But wait….I’m missing one thing to make this post SUPER DUPER LONG!
I learned that you all like
- Progressive OUTDOOR Strength Run:
- Jog 10 minutes easy outside (can also powerwalk or ride our bike).
- Find a bench, table, or curb and do 15 step ups on each leg, 20 push ups, and 15 dips.
- Run another 5 minutes (fast).
- Find another bench or table and do another 15 pushups again bench, 20 squat hops, and then sit on the edge of bench/table and tuck your knees in/out fast for abs tucks (30 reps)
- Run another 5 minutes at moderate pace.
- REPEAT for 45-60 minutes or really however many minutes you want. That’s the FUN part!
I’m still learning to eat my meals without distractions, in fact, I am enjoying the quiet time.
I’m still learning (thanks to Holly) that $200 a month on groceries is DO-ABLE, you just have to shop smarter!
What do you learn from others?
Great eats girl! Yum :) Especially lunch.. I always love the weird combos and LEARNING to love new ones too! I want to try some chia pudding for real! Have you ever posted the recipe?!
Yay for no distractions while eating (for the most part hehe) I still need to LEARN to work on that!
Have a great day! Hope the hubs has a good race this weekend in NC !
I love hot and spicy peanuts -- they're perfectly acceptable on everything. Did you make the GF hummus flatcake or purchase it? It sounds so interesting. You've sparked my curiousity! :)
Good Luck to the husband this weekend! I love all the Hummus! One of my favorite things to eat =)
I love all your random food mixes!! I totally do the same thing babe! I LOVE the blogging world because I feel like I learn from awesome people like you CONSTANTLY. It's the best. I hope your week is going awesome! xoxoxo
And i love the oxymoron of ironman wine glasses! Makes me realize we don't all have to be the exercise perfection our brain strives to prove we should be!! A little wine is good once in awhile (;!!!
Awww this is great! I love the blogging community for so many of the reasons you cited here.
AND I think it's great that you came up with that lunch! haha! Talk about creative genius!
I did a "What I learned" post today, too! TWINNIES!
It really is AMAZING how much we learn from each other!! I LOVE IT!!! K, your food looks amazing and I LOVE random combos and I will be making that toast masterpiece. GREAT WORKOUT...can't wait to try it out!
i think anything on toast works for a meal!! i need to check out this $200/month budget thing. i can easily spend $500/month...eeek!
I learn from bloggers like you how to keep perspective and give thanks. I was in awe of how God worked in ways I hadn't seen in quite some time through a friend of mine. And I am thankful. So thankful. I was praying and praying and praying for her the past two days and God answered those prayers today. I am so relieved, thrilled, re-inspired and full of faith. I learned that God is great and wonderful no matter what challenges we face, He is always there. Sorry - such a mushy response but it's on my mind RIGHT now...
I hate that I can't comment from my work computer! Food looks awesome, workout sounds awesome, and overall you're just awesome! I learn so much from bloggers.I have learned that non one is perfect...its okay to have bad days and its the moving on and getting stronger aspect thay I need to be reminded about!
Yet another awesome post!!!!! :D
I learnedt today that I can push myself even more than I thought I could. as well as let loose and enjoy life!!!! :D
I did! I made it myself and it was SOOOOO GOOD! Hey I am kinda bummed because my
hubs is in raleigh and I was I was with him so I could drive up and see you!!!
do I need to come make you some chia pudding? Just fly me up! hehe.
awesome girl!! Was it at your new gym?
Email me anytime if you can't comment. I still love to hear from you! We are all
imperfect but thats what makes us great, right?!
I absolutely love this Jess, it gave me chills! God is so good, his timing is
girl I hear ya! this grocery challenge has been great for the wallet!
yes, make the toast and tell me how amazing it is. I'll feel better. haha!
Thinking about you a lot lady. Hope you are well. I need an email update! When
is school out?
sweeeeet! Now I get to go read yours. FUN!
yes, mushy mondays are really a favorite! for real, I learned so much from you
Yea for Kimchi. I kinda am obsessed now. And my wine glass is so wino! LOVE IT!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
thanks Brittany! how did that interview go last week? sorry I forgot to ask!
well I totally learn from you! Balance, workouts, health, etc. You amaze me!
Thank you Megan.
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
I learn that I need to focus on my successes and not my setbacks.
I sure have missed my daily dose of Cotter Crunch ;) Sorry I have been kind of MIA on the comments..but as you know, life is pretty hectic :) But thank you for your tweets - they always mean so much! :)
Soooo, do you ship the bites that you make?? I really want to try those Cherry Berry ones- YUM! I know you have your bakery, but didn't know if you could maybe order online??
& WOOOHOOO for another workout- can't wait to try it!
This is so beautiful and I truly agree. I am new to the blogging community but I already feel so welcome and a part of it:-) I can see and feel all the inspiration, encouragement and lessons that are shared. It's beautiful that we're all here to learn from each other and encourage one another's growth and evolution as bloggers and as people :-) Yay :-) <3
amen to that girl! you are making a lot of successes these days!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
testing from Firefox, ignore
I've learned to be patient...well, I'm still working on that one. Things don't always show up quickly for me, but I'm working on it. I've definitely learned to step outside the box as far as food is concerned. In fact, Tony and I were just talking the other day about making egg salad with hummus instead of mayo...I think you just convinced me to try it with your little combination!
You are always inspiring Lindsay. Honestly, for mental growth, I have really been touched by the things you say.
Oh and your question about the tattoo the other day...Tony has to tell his mom before I can post anything. She will kind of flip out, so I don't want to be the one to tell her through my blog.
Have a great night!
Love the inspiration I get (an motivation) from fellow bloggers. I definitely think repeat breakfasts are a-ok. I pretty much eat the same thing every single morning ;-)
Agree with Alaina. I'm new to the blogging world, as well, but have already been so motivated by what others have to say.
Yummy WIAW! I'm repetitive too, no shame here ;) Hot & Spicy peanuts? I'm intrigued! Sounds delicious. And those peanut balls look so nom :D
Can't wait for the recipe for your dinner!
I am constantly learning from others, especially in the blog world. Recipes, workouts, etc. are all great, but the thing I learn DAILY is how wonderful people can be! The thoughtfulness and kind words of people who are almost strangers to me teaches me about the good of people, and the sweetness of their natures. As someone who can have a hard time trusting others, this is a constant revelation for me!
i learned that i should treat myself as i would treat my best friend - kindly & with forgiveness!
btw - you should try takewon (pickled daikon radish) delish!
Oooh you eat just like me!!! :) I actually love all your meal ideas!!! :)
What I learned today - that kids are amazing!! As part of my practicum today, I sat it in on a drama class and was SO entertained! I am just loving working in the schools. Kids make me feel alive and present!
Good eats and good thing to learn.There is so much to learn and it seems endless.
What I learnt-There is more to learn,and one should do what they are passionate about :)
I just did my first WIAW post, I'm excited!:) Looks like yours was pretty adventurous (peanuts on eggs and cabbage?:). It all looks delicious, though!
Wow, I don't know if we could do $200 a month! Back in college my food budget was $50 a month, hah! (But that was older food prices and when I ate a lot of hot dogs and mac and cheese...eesh:/). Now we spend about $75-$100 a week, at least:/. But we also pack our lunch EVERY day and eat out very rarely, so I think that is pretty good considering we try to eat fairly well and almost never go out...not to mention my husband has an unlimited stomach capacity and I am training for a half ironman-we can eat some food, hehe!!:)
I would LOVE to learn how to do only $200 on groceries per month... time to go read that post!
I love all of your eats, my dear. Love them. That salmon hummus flatbread creation is SO similar to something I JUST made. Weird. But yum.
I've tried that Pure2Raw biscotti- SO GOOD, huh?!
ya, its been TOUGH! but i bought in bulk and the hubs is gone for week. Thats a
saver for sure, haha.
i love that smriti! so true and I will take that advice!
oh ya, its been hard with the hubs' training but I think we've gotten lucky with
some free food! And now the hubs is gone so I am saving up big time. Plus I'm
only counting food items. hehe. Is that cheating?
I wish we got free food:). I can't even imagine what it's like trying to feed your hubs. Mine did a half marathon with me and there was no such thing as matter how much food I made! I told him he's only allowed to do 5ks with me from now on;).
OH my gosh that is so cool! I wish I could come to your work for a day! I
love kids.
Friend! I do not think that lunch is weird - I'd eat it up in no time. Although this is coming from the girl who likes cottage cheese and pickles. Haha! :)
oh that is a good one! I need to learn that too. I would love to try pickled
daikon, yum!
I love it when I have time to cook at home and eat. And i LOVE learning :) Thanks for the awesome post!
this is so beautiful, really! learning to trust is huge, i can relate. And i am
so glad you have built those relationships.
jenn, you are so amazing and I am so glad you started blogging. Your purpose is
they have got to have spicy peanuts in miami, no? They are delcious!
Recipe to come say whaaaa????? Cliffhanger.
Hummus Cake? Like socca? I want your lunch and dinner and I want to spell Kimchi like that forever. Kim cheeee....(You know before I even say that yes, I HAVE sprinkled nooch on kimchi and it was good. Tasted like nooh on kimchi. So, not for the faint of heart). Your post makes me want to be more Real on my blog. I have been pretty glossy lately. Thanks for the memo that it's okay to share and it may help.
you should do a WIAW. I'd love to see these repetitive breakfasts. I bet
they are delicious. Now you just need a side of Mucinex D to go with it!
yes alaina, and you are SO part of that encouragement! Your posts have such
girl, you never have to apologize for being MIA. You do have a real life, haha.
I do ship the healthy bites! You can check out all the flavors on my HEALTHY
BITES FB page if you want. I wish I would have known, I would have sent James to
orlando with some for you! he's racing this weekend there.
girl, I just had kimchi, nooch, and fried egg! OMG!! loved it! and yes, i know
your heart so be real....we will support you either way. <3!
i could have easily eaten cottage cheese and pickles along with my eggs and and
peanuts. haha! We can eat together anytimes!
haha, its tough! I feed him lots of nut butter and smoothies!
What a lovely post :) I so agree that there is such a wonderful spirit throughout the blogosphere. I have only been blogging a little over a month now and I really can't imagine my life without it and all the wonderful blog friendships I am creating.
I LOVE weird food combos and I am definitely a creature of habit. I really like your workout and as I'm probably going to be sticking to outdoor workouts for most of the summer I am definitely going to try this one :)
Those biscotti look amazing! As do all your eats :)
I'd love for you to come cook for me for a day!
i love to hear everyones stories too, its the real deal and what makes me
appreciate them more. Like yours, I love your inspiring story!!
Let me know how the workout goes!
I'll cook for you if you cook for me, deal?
My favorite part of blogging is the inspiration I get from everyone, you said it best up there!
I'm a new reader and MUST try some chia pudding, looks too delish :)
Weird combinations is where it is at. Of course, I grew up on peanut butter and pickle sandwiches...
all your eats look pretty normal to me :) as I know my eats look weird to some
love drinking kombucha out of a wine glass, we call it our cocktail!
and yes love learning from my blog friends, they help keep going, stay focuses and work harder
I am learning that you should not deprive yourself of the things that you love...whether it is food, a glass of wine, traveling, or even going on that second date. Life is too short and you need to enjoy it and live it to its fullest. Interesting eats...What is in the breakfast recipe? It looks tell.
some day we will have that kombucha cocktail together! glad you get to add it
back into your diet soon.
you gotta try peanut butter and marmite! ain't no shame! haha.
oh well said! i love that. My breakfast is chia seed, with almond milk. Let it
sit overnight to absorb the seeds. It will turn into a pudding. Then I add
banana, coconut and GF granola on top!
yum! and i think reevaluating goals periodically is a great thing. i probs should do it soon.
Helloooooo WIAW with WIWW!!!! my fav combo ;) I learned that kombucha beats alcohol most nights and that chi seeds rock my soooocks! Also... your odd combo makes me smile =) cause I would so try that! hehe
xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons
Oooh I like the kombucha in a wine glass :)
i just had my first Kombucha and I thought of you:) i believe I will be spending ALL of my money on it!
And you are such a good teacher! I learn so much from your blog posts.
I am definitely checking out the $200 per month with groceries....and I am learning tons about different workouts for different people, which really helps me out a ton in the gym!
mmmm yum. One wednesday I'm going to be standing on your doorstep, looking hungry. ;) My goal needs to be to start doing WIAW- maybe it will make me eat more interesting food! ;) I currently rocked oatmeal with pb and a banana for two of my 3 meals. I gotta start spicing it up with food combos like you!
Oh myy the hummus flatcake looks scumdidlyuptious. Im amped for the recipe! And I bought wasabi powder to make your peas! I just gotta get my hands on the veg and Im set!
You are an inspiration to only spend 200$ a month on groceries. I only shop for myself and 200 is definitely low for a month. :( Quite expensive taste and hobby I must have... I have been trying to work on it but sometimes the splurge at Whole Foods is my "reward." I feel like there are definitely worse rewards though...... Atleast that is what I tell myself!
Always so much I could say, but I'll just leave it at, great post Lindsay. Thanks for always being so positive and motivating
i think you are allowed to have non goals for the whole month after boston,
That is why I love the blog world too!!! We learn from each other so much, and that is what makes everyone better people and happier people. Everyone is so so supportive, happiness is contageous!
Hummus cake?! Please teach me your ways?!
You are so creative!!! I went looking around for your recipe for your cherry berry healthy bites. but I can't find it.. they look delish!! Can you point me in the right direction?
sure thing melissa. Its in this post. Let me know how they turn out for ya!
I LOVE the blog world for that reason! I learn SO much from everyone and get inspired bye everyone! I wud never had thought about running a half marathon if it werent for blogging!.. sounds like an awesome workout!
you are so right! and you will have tons of support while you train! love that.
oh me too! but I think I got lucky, i only count food items and the hubs is out
of town this week.....BIG TIME SAVINGS there. haha. When are you done with
happiness is contagious! We also can learn to lean on each other,which is so
great for our mental health, ya know? Gonna post the hummus flat bread tomorrow.
oh you gotta do WIAW, that would be too fun! even if its all breakfast foods, it
all sounds good to me!
oh yea! a kombucha lover made. My job is done, haha. JK! Glad you liked it
oh totally, I use workouts from bloggers all the time. Its such a great
oh good, then I am not alone. We need to do a WWIAW....WEIRD WHAT I ATE
This is why I love blogging to much: the inspiration, support, growing (together and with each other). I'm so happy to be part of this wonderful community!
But, Lindsay, you read blog post while eating your lunch *again*? :D :D :D :D :D (Noooooooooo, I'm not doing the same right now! Hehehehe, deedum, deedum.)
*wink wink*
I love what you learned! and I know I have read a few of the very same blog posts on those topics and they ALWAYS inspire me too. Your meals always look great, even the 'weird' combos! I love weird combos! haha. And the meals without distractions...I need to focus more on that too. When I'm alone, I eat and multitask. Not good. Should focus more. When I am with M, I focus on him and what we are talking about, but I should always do that!
YUM!! I love seeing your eats!
I (re) learned to splash in the puddles with my kids this morning while we enjoy a long awaited rain.
I agree! I learn so much from other blogs!! One thing that I have learned is to fuel my body helps to see other's meal plans and remind myself the more food I take in the more power I have!
I learn so much from you, dear friend! How to practice patience, how to be a loving, supportive wife, how to eat healthy GF meals, how to be a caring, thoughtful friend. The list goes on...
It better be okay to be repetitive for breakfast, I always am! Haha! But you're so right, we do learn so much from each other in this blogging community and I love it! :)
I love learning from others. I think its one of the best ways to get new experiences and hear about new things. Ive actually learned so much about myself just from other people which I think is amazing. By the way those cherry berry bites looks so springy and festive! Gorgeous!
yes yes, I was eating lunch. you caught be there. But i promised just one meal
with out distractions. So dinners and breakfast are still good, that counts,
maybe we can do a breakfast swap! that would be fun!
Right! :D
Happy day to you!
I agree! there are so many things to learn and absorb from each other. I love
it. It makes us expand our horizons too!
yes, we are getting rain too! WOO HOO! wish I could play in it with you and your
definitely! bloggers have such great resources for that! I'm so glad you are
obtaining that power! Love it chelsea!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
you should do it when your a trip. Its weird at first, but then you get used to
it and it totally helps with your confidence!
wait, thats what I learn from you! hehe. You teach me to appreciate
the little things in life and to trust. Thank you friend.
I can honestly say that I have learned so much since I started my blog. It is amazing to hear everyones stories and realize that we all have so much in common. I absolutely love learning from others experiences. Thank you so much for sharing your workout. Now that it is getting nicer in Utah I am looking forward to taking my workout outside. There is something so refreshing about working out outside.
totally agree. Now if only we could all live in the same city. haha. Hope you
enjoy some fresh mountain air this week!
Thanks for the great workout Lindsay! I did it this morning (loved it) and posted it to my blog today:
As a new blogger myself, I'm learning from other blogs that there is no need to place pressure on myself to do one thing or another. People want to be able to relate to what you are going through. It's a very compassionate blogosphere. :)
Lately I have learned that I like reading others comments. And, I have learned that you can come to be connected to others you have never met and the world is better when we are all connected.
LOVE this post. what a fun idea! I am all about learning when I take on any new endeavor...running and blogging have definitely opened up a whole new world of learning for me and I am loving it! Something I have learned from others is the power of support even from those you barely know. Support and encouragement can mean so matter where it comes from and whether or not it is expected or unexpected :)
that sandwich looks great - and I look forward to the recipe of the salmon + flat cake!
I also am inspired by Holly and her grocery challenge - she is doing incredibly well! when we return home I'm going to finish organizing my pantry and eat through it, shopping mostly for the fresh fruit and veggies. I'm always up for a challenge, too! :)
and a big YES agreement that the Twins have amazing creations!
that sandwich looks great - and I look forward to the recipe of the salmon + flat cake!
I also am inspired by Holly and her grocery challenge - she is doing incredibly well! when we return home I'm going to finish organizing my pantry and eat through it, shopping mostly for the fresh fruit and veggies. I'm always up for a challenge, too! :)
and a big YES agreement that the Twins have amazing creations!
totally agree. Now if only we could all live in the same city. haha. Hope you
enjoy some fresh mountain air this week!
I can honestly say that I have learned so much since I started my blog. It is amazing to hear everyones stories and realize that we all have so much in common. I absolutely love learning from others experiences. Thank you so much for sharing your workout. Now that it is getting nicer in Utah I am looking forward to taking my workout outside. There is something so refreshing about working out outside.
you should do it when your a trip. Its weird at first, but then you get used to
it and it totally helps with your confidence!
maybe we can do a breakfast swap! that would be fun!
I love learning from others. I think its one of the best ways to get new experiences and hear about new things. Ive actually learned so much about myself just from other people which I think is amazing. By the way those cherry berry bites looks so springy and festive! Gorgeous!
YUM!! I love seeing your eats!
I (re) learned to splash in the puddles with my kids this morning while we enjoy a long awaited rain.
You are so creative!!! I went looking around for your recipe for your cherry berry healthy bites. but I can't find it.. they look delish!! Can you point me in the right direction?
oh me too! but I think I got lucky, i only count food items and the hubs is out
of town this week.....BIG TIME SAVINGS there. haha. When are you done with
Oh myy the hummus flatcake looks scumdidlyuptious. Im amped for the recipe! And I bought wasabi powder to make your peas! I just gotta get my hands on the veg and Im set!
You are an inspiration to only spend 200$ a month on groceries. I only shop for myself and 200 is definitely low for a month. :( Quite expensive taste and hobby I must have... I have been trying to work on it but sometimes the splurge at Whole Foods is my "reward." I feel like there are definitely worse rewards though...... Atleast that is what I tell myself!
i just had my first Kombucha and I thought of you:) i believe I will be spending ALL of my money on it!
Helloooooo WIAW with WIWW!!!! my fav combo ;) I learned that kombucha beats alcohol most nights and that chi seeds rock my soooocks! Also... your odd combo makes me smile =) cause I would so try that! hehe
xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons
Weird combinations is where it is at. Of course, I grew up on peanut butter and pickle sandwiches...
Those biscotti look amazing! As do all your eats :)
I'd love for you to come cook for me for a day!
yes alaina, and you are SO part of that encouragement! Your posts have such
Oooh I like the kombucha in a wine glass :)
I wish we got free food:). I can't even imagine what it's like trying to feed your hubs. Mine did a half marathon with me and there was no such thing as matter how much food I made! I told him he's only allowed to do 5ks with me from now on;).
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