- Seeing how long I can go without washing my hair (haha, I know someone can relate).
- Running in the rain. It was refreshing, plus I needed to wash my hair, right?
- Going to Whole Foods just to see what random new food or beverage I can find. I am now a fan of Aloe Juice thanks to Lisa and Kate.
- And last but not least….laughing at my poor dog. The victim of mockingbird attack. This mockingbird ALWAYS attacks poor Sadie, yet Sadie does not even care. Love it!
I might be easily amused but at least that comes handy in the kitchen when I want to play around with ingredients.
Smoked Paprika and Hummus FlatBread
Ingredients: (recipe adapted from here)- 1/4 cup plus water
- 1 eggs
- 1 tablespoons oil (I used grapeseed)
- 1 teaspoon seasoning mix (salt, black pepper, garlic, onion)
- 2 tablespoons coconut flour – I actually used a combination of GF flours from this mix. The twins bakery make a sugar free and gluten free flour mix that’s awesome! (coconut flour, millet flour, potato flour)
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder (I might have used a little more)
- 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
- 2 tbsp Plain Hummus
EAT with something scrumptious on top!
Alright, since its Friday, I must know……..what are you easily amused by?
Good to luck to everyone racing this weekend. The hubs, Jess (Blonde Ponytail), Abby, Kathleen, Bre,and Colleen to name a few.
I have been refreshing this page about 283423 times!!! Haha!! I AaaaaaaBSOLUTELY love aloe juice - I'm glad you joined the dark side, mwahahaha!! Good luck to the hubby. :)
The flatbread looks amazing... You always make me hungry!! Have an amazing weekend :D
haha, yes, the dark side indeed! could you watch the video? I think blogger is
not letting it come up? Its hilarious!
I AM SO SO SO MAKING THAT FLATBREAD tomorrow!! I'll use egg replacer and tell you how much I love it!! I need to Cotterise my diet:)
Hehe I can TOTALLY relate to the hair washing thing! :P And GOOD LUCK to the Hubs!! I'll be thinking and praying for him!!
P.S. I got a Google error come up when I treid to watch the video...? Don't know if that's just me...
P.P.S. Mockingbirds? I thought they were fictional haha!!
i think blogger is still down so the video doesn't come up. Bummer! But yes,
Mockingbirds are actually the TX state birds. They are MEAN! haha.
MMmm that looks freaking good!
oh good, glad I am not alone there. haha!
totally good with some eggs on top too!
Haha it is SO funny!! Sadie seems pretty oblivious- it would drive Buddy MAD!!
There are mockingbirds at my dad's house and they love to attack any dog that walks by. Sometimes I can be easily amused. It's usually something so stupid too. But I love it when it happens at the right time, just when I needed a chuckle.
I have to shower but hate washing my hair. My hairdresser calls me 2daysdirty whenever he sees me!! A few curls thrown in there hide grease well! (;
I never knew mockingbirds were so evil!
Awwww poor Sadie!! That is freakin hilarious though!
I am ENDLESSLY amused by the baby prairie dogs outside my work. I could watch them all day long haha.
Oh your poor dogs. Do they go crazy? Sadie doesn't even care, haha. It was a
nice chuckle. So ....shall we see how many blogs we will be catching up on
today? haha.
Running in the rain! sounds like fun :) I LOVE that in the summer, when it's nice and humid and the rain comes down and cools you off. You have a super cute dog too! aww.
Good luck to your man! That's exciting! The flatbread looks amazing. I want more socca now. I'm a flatbread addict. have a great weekend Lindsay!
oh my gosh, prarie dogs crack me up for hours. They are kinda cute too!
Sadie's about to take a dump, bwahahahah
Oh my the magpies are constantly t'oed with our pups as well...poor Sadie! It is a chuckle too though : )
Mmmm hummus!
It's so funny that Sadie doesn't even notice! :P aww what a sweet pup!
I LOVE the look of that flatbread! I hardly ever have pita or other bread without hummus so it's such a perfect recipe! :) mm mmm!
ohh man we certainly amused ourselves yesterday at breakfast with Nick trying to use gigantic serving spoons to eat his smoothie in a bowl. I 'm going to post a few pics later tonight, he's ridiculous but it made me laugh so hard I almost pulled an ab muscle :P Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)
Um, definitely making this awesome little treat soon! It sounds simple enough for my "baking" skills (or lackthereof)!
Girl, take a shower. ;)
OMG you are a riot. I love it. This is why we get along so well - we're both giant dorks when it comes right down to it. :)
I happened to catch Tom Hanks on Oprah this week and it reminded me how entertaining he is. I suddenly have an urge to watch You've Got Mail, Big and Splash.
Happy Weekend to you!
your dog is sooo funny!!!!!! :D that made my day! hahahahope you have an awesome weekend!
Oh my gosh, I love Splash!! We need a slumber party!
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Oh my gosh, I love Splash!! We need a slumber party!
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I WANT SADIE!!! TOO FUNNY!! Please say you were referring to me about the lack of hair washing!! I wish I could come have a slumber party while the hubs is gone to keep you company! For some reason I have the strongest craving ever for flatbread with delicious toppings!!!!
Mmmmmm.....Aloe! I have to go get some more myself...the weather is finally warm enough here to need an aloe cooler :)
Poor Sadie!! I'd laugh too though....and I definitely challenge myself on the hair washing thing. Sometimes I make it 4 days if I'm not going to be around a lot of people!
Too funny about the bird!
This looks so yummy! I am making some hummus ASAP!!!
good luck to your hubs!
I totally don't like to wash my hair :)
Love aloe juice
That is so funny about the bird and your dog!
I ALWAYS entertain myself WAY too easily. It's a blessing we share. :)
Have a great weekend Lindsay!
YAYAY hummus flatbread!!! How do you think I could veganize the egg part? Slash I am so glad Lisa got you on Aloe juice, maybe she will make me an aloe cooler this weekend:))
oh I want/need an aloe cooler!!! But wish I could enjoy it with you! Try using 1
tbsp flax/water mix instead of an egg.
i'm pretty sure we could entertain each other for hours tina, love it! hope you
have a wonderful weekend with you precious family! Enjoy the long run!
ah it's weird that you posted this! I was literally just writing my grocery list and wrote down 'flatbreads' as our local supermarket has only just started selling them! might as well just make my own now! thank you- penny saver :)
Love this post and the recipe share of course. Yesterday I was incredibly amused at costco. There were hurds of adults waiting in line for the free samples acting as though they hadn't eaten in 2 years. The amusing part is that I was one of them and nearly took out an old lady to get my free slice of pizza. :)
OH my gosh COSTCO is the best for people watching and to be easily amused!!!
haha, love it. I am usually one of those people too. Ain't no shame.
My Dad loves aloe juice! He has been telling me to drink it for years. I think I better give it a try :)
being a dork is totally allowed on fridays, right?
ok okay, I finally washed my hair today. Just in time for a long run tomorrow,
oh yes, please please post those smoothie pics!! We need that kind of humor for
the weekend. hehe!
magpies! Those are big birds, right?! poor little guys.
I know, I didn't even realize I said that. Classy, eh? haha!
for real, socca flatbread craving!! This is when I need you as a neighbor ASAP!!
oh yes, thats the best feeling. COol rain on a hot day! I hope you and M get a
run in this weekend!
me too! i try to wash my hair every 2 days, curls are a great trick! love it
I find hair-washing to be entirely over-rated...actually washing mine too much makes it even more thin and brittle so I don't think there's any cause for concern about giving your hair a break from the chemicals etc. in shampoo/conditioner anyway. Running in the rain is amazing, so freeing and theraputic...I miss it so much.
Thanks for the video....really cheered me up :)
What a clever recipe, Linds! Not surprising. :) I loved talking to you earlier. Makes my whole day 100% better whenever we talk. I'm excited for my dinner experiment this evening. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm easily amused/entertained at Whole Foods - could stay there for hours. And also on my bike/walks in my neighborhood taking photos.
sweet, another anit hair washer. haha. Loving the aloe juice for recovery. So
refreshing! Happy weekend Sarah!
I am loving it in smoothies too! Try it out Tracy and let me know whatcha think.
I think you dad is on to something.
oh wonderful!! Let me know how it turns out. YAY!
I need you to make an aloe cooler, if only we lived closer. Bugger. Enjoy your
weekend Lisa!
haha, I was totally referring to you. hehe! And yes, I really wish you were here
too. We could have a sushi and salad slumber party!
girl, this is so good with EGGS on top! oh and avocado, haha. Totally a dorry
dish! Thank you SO SO MUCH for talking. I love your heart so much.
I love how Sadie doesn't even acknowlege the bird! Too cute!!!
I totally go without the hair-washing (except after swimming) when my husband is gone. Sometimes I even question the showering. Is that bad? :)
nope, not bad at all in my books. Totally in lazy mode and I love it!!
i will never "land a husband" because i always play the "how long can i go without washing my hair" game. oops.
Such a great recipe. And wow does it sound wonderful. Hummus anything is DELICIOUS.
So..... i hate washing my hair. On the weekends (or when I visit my parents and become a total bum) I wait as long as I can to shower. I'm gross. I embrace that. :) 4 days is my record.
Haha poor Sadie, I must admit that is quite entertaining though :) I am easily amused by the radom people always walking by my house, I swear there are new ones daily! People watching is my jam ;) Wow, that sounds sketchy!
Aw poor Sadie, althought I must admit the video was quite entertaining! I definitly watched it three times, can you tell I have nothing to do for once ;) People watching amuses me, especially when I swear there is a brand new person walking down my street at least once a day, I don't understand where they all are coming from!!! Craziness!
oh love that! maybe we need to start a record breaker challenge? haha.
haha, you crack me up. My husband does not care what I look like really. thats a
good thing! And I am sure you will win a man with you charm and wit! It gets me
EVERY time!
that would amuse me for hours! Is there a bus stop or something near you? haha.
oh my... there are several days that Jason is out of town, if I am not actively in meetings I will go without washing my hair. :) I have to shower, but my hair only gets washed every other day anyway, usually, because it BEHAVES better when not squeaky clean. I totally relate. POOR SADIE! dive-bombed by birds AND filmed while pooping! :) you all have GRACKLE birds there in Texas... my very first trip, walking out of the Austin airport, I was dive-bombed by a dang Grackle!
I am easily amused by a lot. I swear the dachshund I grew up with would walk in time to music, kind of dancing. Basil struts. he gets teased by the squirrels in our yard, they jump from tree to tree, FLYING squirrels! and he sounds like his SOUL is hurting the way he screams and howls. I have told Jason we need to get it on video.
also? I am an old lady ahead of her time - I catch myself talking to myself. I hope it;s amusing...
I bet there's so much time without a husband in the house! :)
I'm so easily amused that I get teased all the time for it! that video of Sadie amused me...I watched it three times! ;) love the use of pancakes in lunch- that is using breakfast foods! love love love!
We were walking through the aisles of the grocery store today when Ryan randomly said..."I'm sorry...nothing sounds better than that aloe juice I had from the asian market last week. This store just isn't going to cut it." Haha. I didn't get to even try it last week he loved it so much. I guess I better get on that!
hahaha! i love days when I can get away with not showering. i do not know what has gotten into me but I avoid it as much as possible lately :) i am easily amused today by my dog...she is crazy. I have bought her like 15 bones in the past month and I keep finding them hidden all over the house...and I thought she was eating them that fast. what a tease.
I bought some coconut flour a while ago so I'm always looking for things I can put it into! I loved the video of Sadie... I'm so easily amused by my dog too. We have a canal that runs behind the house and Hunter is normally pretty fluffy, but when he goes swimming, he looks like this little scrawny drowned rat and I just laugh and laugh to myself. My neighbors might think I'm a little loony... ;)
Haha that was hysterical! I'm pretty easily amused too- I like to organize all the Multigrain Cheerios: I have to get 5 of each then eat them in order and try to discern their tastes lol... wamp wamp
Hehehe, I also do things like that when I'm on my own. Due to living alone, you can imagine I have quite the fun sometimes. ;)
I like the new background! :D
oh my gosh, a 15lb bone? Isn't your dog that small? Too cute!
oh so good to hear from you friend! are you loving the states?? GOOD LUCK
haha yes, more time and more FOOD!
ya, I am pretty sure dachshunds could entertain me for hours! They have such a
funny demeanor, too cute. Does Basil strut for you? WE need a video of that.
And Grackles, oh the bird from Hell! Happy Weekend sweet friend. Are you home
sweet home yet?
oh this I gotta see! hilarious! hey, are you in tampa yet??
oh i love that, i bet your pup looks adorable in a weird scrawny way! haha.
Dogs, they make life interesting, no?
Lindsay C
Ha I always try to see how long I can go without washing my hair too but with these Zumba classes it doesn't last very long. I get too sweaty!! That hummus flatbread looks delicious, I want it!
oh ya, I don't know how you avoid sweating in ZUMBA and in MIAMI!! haha.
I love seeing how long I can hold out on washing my hair. I'm actually on day 4, and have to go to a party this afternoon, so most likely will cave and wash;-)
and as always, amazing recipe concoctions
Sometimes I go an entire week without washing my hair! I also love going to Whole Foods...I can spend an hour in there and only come out with two items sometimes.
oh my gosh hahaha. I can't go an entire day without washing my hair. I hear all the time how it's bad for the oils in your hair to be washed every day, so I tried it once last year. I had to leave work in the middle of the day to go shower during my lunch break because I felt DISGUSTING. haha Guess my hair tends to fall more on the oily side naturally.....
Anyways, I play with/laugh at my dog all day when left home alone. It's awesome :)
really?? I hate washing my hair, but I am always in a hat or visor so I guess
that explains a lot. haha.
me too! We have the headquarters of Whole Foods in Austin and the store is 2
stories. I spend hours in there and usually I just buy a drink. hehe.
Anne Marie, how are you?!! I've been missing you. I was on day 4 as well and
just took a shower...I had to break down and do it. I smelled like a kid at
Recess. haha.
Hahaha I go way too long w/o washing my hair too!! Love the video of the fur baby :)
I don't know who'd braver you or your dog. Mockingbirds freak Zoe (my dog) and I out. Oh and YUM!! What's that there I see on top?
oh the dog for sure! haha. I sauteed spinach and salmon with yellow rice mixed
it. heavenly.
Poor Sadie :(
I am very easily amused -- one thing I really enjoy is catching Jason talking to himself or singing to himself. It just makes me laugh and smile -- especially since it doesn't happen very often!
hehe. that is a brave bird. I've never seen anythng like it!!
Good luck to your hubby!
Ha! That's hilarious - the video, I mean. Some birds just have no fear?
I looove running in the rain - I think it clears my mind more than running in dry weather.
ahhh I had a shirt once from abercrombie that said easily amused that a friend had gotten me so I guess I am... and that flat bread looks amazing I love smoked paprika!
92 comments?! Wow, hello Miss Popular?! How did you get off my blog roll because I have been missing your posts! I try to see how long I can get away without washing my hair alll the time! Can't watch your video right this sec but I will be back.
oh amanda, I've been missing you! I think I mistyped your blog site into my
google reader. No wonder! I just wanted to tell you that I have started a
running journal because of you, it been wonderful. Thank you friend. Lets keep
in touch!
That video of your dog had me laughing so hard. It reminded me of this one: good. It's videos of animals like these that I am so easily amused by.
okay this is even better! totally made my day Britt!
I think I need that shirt! We'd be twins!
me too! Running in the rain is like a shower of clarity! Love that Liz.
the bird is PSYCHO! I swear its demon possessed. haha. Hope all is well!
haha oh yes I sometimes go a little too long before washing my hair
love the flatbread!
Is it sad that I am jealous of your and HRG's ability to go for long periods of time without washing your hair? I can barely go 12 hours without mine looking super greasy...I don't know what it is, but I hate it!!
That video is hilarious:). We used to have a bird at the barn that would do that to the cat. The cat hated it, though, because I think he wanted to catch the bird but it was too fast for him!:)
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