Read the sign…falling rock. Can you relate? I can.
We all live with stress, and if we are unaware of the warning signs, we might just let it fall down hard on us. We want to be able to control it all, our daily living, job, finances, deadlines, etc., but we can’t always do that.
We are human, not super human, right?
So what gives? How do avoid the havoc pressure of stress?
“A healthy diet minimizes and eliminates stress on your organs which enables you to better handle external and emotional stress.”
But at the same time……
“You can eat extremely healthy yet undo it all through acid producing stress and anxiety”
I remembered reading about foods that help de-stress the body when going through the AMAZING GRASS CHALLENGE .
I thought it might be good to refresh my memory, maybe this time ACTUALLY APPLY IT!!
Foods that help Relieve/Prevent Stress: (source)
There are specific natural whole foods that relax and balance the central nervous system, which is key to minimizing stress…
- Foods Rich in Vitamin B:. They support the brain and can help reduce anxiety, stress and depression.
- Foods Rich in Folate : Good for brain health. Eat--- romaine lettuce, spinach, asparagus, turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, and lentils.
- Omega fatty acids: Omega’s help to balance and support brain focus, plus they help increase mood. Eat---; salmon, coconut oil/water/milk, flax seed oil, hemp seed, chia seeds, fish oil, etc. .
- Complex carbohydrates –. These carbs are full of serotonin. Serotonin supports the the brain which helps decrease stress. Eat----oatmeal, quinoa, flaxseed, brown rice, buckwheat, legumes, squash, sweet potatoes, etc.
- Antioxidant rich foods: Help restore and manage the body’s stress. Also helps improve mood. Eat----berries and goji berries (high in vitamin C), tea (matcha, green tea), raw chocolate.
Remember these? My raw chocolate brownies? Those would be good right about now!
Lately I have come to realized just how important DIET is for my body when handling emotional stress. I saw that warning sign, falling rock. The last thing I want it to do is to come tumbling down.
It's time to de-stress.
Take a good long look at your atmosphere…….
Are there warning signs? Where do you need to de-stress?
My good friend is currently doing a giveaway, which is 5 vouchers worth $30 (USD) each, for her thesis study. Please hop over to her blog and check it out! It’s an interesting survey that will get your mind thinking for sure!
Great stress info! I'm always explaining to clients that they can address their diets all they want, but if they ignore their stress, the health eating will do no good! It's all about balance, for sure! One way I get people to start working on it is to look at one area (diet, stress, exercise) that they need to work on, and work on the one or two areas first that seem the "easiest"...Once you boost one or two areas of that triangle, all of a sudden the third won't seem quite so overwhelming!
I'm doing pretty well taking everything in stride right helps that the semester is over on Thursday!
Thanks for this reminder about stress!
Great post! I have been living in perpetual stress, with loosing my job, school, wedding, hubby loosing his job (and still not working)... it's not a pretty place, but I just try to keep the mindset that everything happens for a reason and I try to do things I enjoy.
I do have to start exercising again, that is really important in my stress management, although some days it's hard to find the time!!
I've been studying psychology for the past 3 years and I can't believe how much stress is linked to not only mental and emotional ailments, but physical ones as well. Goes to show you that stress can affect every body system. It's good in small quantities, but in long-term stressful ordeals it can be really taxing. I like what you said about health not just being about eating healthy foods - so true!
Warning signs for me include refusing to slow down even when I know I should, adding more obligations than I can handle, and confusing the words "should" and "need" in regards to what I want!
What a super well-timed post! I am currently mega stressed out with exams and study (1st exam tomorrow), and it automatically rubs off on all other areas of my life, which is frustrating.
I know the stress is getting too much when my moods go mad and my eating goes downhill! Dealing comes from talking to my mum, my horse, and a long walk. Works a charm :)
(oh, and apparently eating raw brownies too...:p)
*HUGS* Lindsay!! Hugs help destress too, right? :) Hope you aren't too stressed out friend!!
I'm definitely on board with the anti-stress food! Brocc and raw chocolate yaaay! And those brownies look YUMMY- I'm definitely checking out that recipe! :D
P.S. LOVE the new look of the blog!! So pretty and so you!! <3
Goodness. I just love learning from your posts!
I could totally go for those raw chocolate brownies. Yes, please!!
I've also found my diet to be extremely important regarding emotional stress! But as you said, diet is not everything - I also do mindfulness practices, and have worked quite a lot on figuring out which are the greatest sources of stress in my life (my perfectionism being one, duh), and without that just eating right wouldn't be enough. (And without eatig right the oth things wouldn't work so well either, so it's a vice versa scenario.)
Thank you so much for your support, Lindsay! You're such a good friend! If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask me anytime! :)
This information is so important. Thank you for sharing! I know diet is important during stressful situations.. but I must admit.. it isn't the first thing I think of. To destress, I tend to go for runs to clear my mind.. or get to bed extra early.. regardless of how much I have to do.. so I can take on the tasks with a energized vibe the next day.
Hi friend! Glad I got to talk to you earlier. Billy and I just got home from a bike ride to the Farmer's Market. It was a good way to get outside and de-stress.! You know everything going on with me and the busyness. This post was a good reminder to look out for those warning signs and be open to adjusting things in my life to make me the healthiest, least stressed Bird I can be. :)
p.s. I love your new background!
These are great points...stress can affect you in so many ways. I totally get this. And I love that picture of the 'falling rock' - so pretty, despite those words, that is ;-) Hope you had a great weekend!
Hey Lindsay :) Great post (as usual). I am trying to be more intuitive about eating and exercise to reduce my stress. Yes, you can be healthy as far as diet and exercise go, but if you are stressing out about it, then it's not so healthy anymore.
I have a question. I am getting into running (I just did my first 5k and placed 3rd in my age group!) and I want to still weight train, but not too hard. Do you have any weight lifting routines that would be good to do along with running and cross training? I plan to run 3 times a week and cross-train/strength train on the other 3 days (with one day of rest or active rest). I am also doing about 6 more 5ks this summer and a half marathon in September!
This post couldn't have come at a better time! I love all of the foods that help de-stress us. I will be eating lots of those :-)
Totally going to check out those raw brownies they look amazing!
I just took her survey! I think diet is really good for destressing too. I think working out is also great! I am really trying to read those signs!
The most important things for me when it comes to stress management are (a) quality sleep/food as the foundation for being capable of managing it and (b) digging in to form an action plan to attack the problem - if I'm overwhelmed I make a list, prioritize and get to work, if I'm stressed about something specific I find someone to talk through it with me and figure out what to do (or work it out myself during a workout - great thinking time!). Total scientist type here that has to just address the stress rather than let it linger. And honestly sometimes a good cry works too!
Fabo post lady! Next time I'm stressed I need to reach for some healthy and feel good foods, not pizza and ice cream! I want to try those brownies asap. A huge congrats to the hubs for an amazing showing at orlando 70.3!
STRESS????? That happens when you deleted yourself from the blog world and have to START OVER.. sigh..(aka.. mamarunsbarefoot)
stress?! what is that? hahah. great tips :) send me some of those brownies? they sure would hit the spot right now ;)
Along with eating good foods, getting enough rest helps me beat stress. When I do feel stressed I try to eat plenty of healthy fats to help my brain!
Oh my WORD can I relate to this? I love the thought that what I eat can actually help my stress level. Of course, I still realize I need to get a grip on my commitments, but I can definitely handle eating these foods!
YOu are such an excellent wrtier! This makes me think of the book, "Why Zebras Don't get Ulcers" As humans we a SUPER good at creating stress and choosing healthy options is one way to combat that!
Congrats to your hubs again!!
thank you so much for this post! i needed it today while i'm stressing about an exam coming up! i know i'm too stressed when i can't fall asleep or i can't sleep through the night. i definitely need to de-stress about school & to keep reminding myself of the "bigger picture!"
maybe i'll take a little break ... with your raw brownies! :)
I was juuuust starting to de-stress when the plague hit the p&c household! haha! diet is for sure a huge make-or-break element in sress. So is making time for exercise and relaxation and all that jazz =) thank goodness for bubble baths! those keep me in check. annnnnd wine ;) shh!
xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons
thanks for the great info! I know that diet definitely plays a big role in feeling my best. I have really been focusing on b vitamins and omegas lately. Bring on the salmon and chia seeds!!
What a great post! I am currently suffering from 'not enough time / too much to do' stress! Need to take a step back I think :)
HOW DO YOU READ MY MIND EVERY SINGLE DAY AND WRITE EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TO HEAR!!! I am suffering from lack of patience stress and you are so right about nutrition playing a huge role in recovering from stress. You are so beautiful and I need to make those brownies!
Great post! How do you always come up with the best posts ever. I always learn so much from your blog and feel smarter after reading it. I definitely think diet affects stress and I appreciate you sharing those foods and reminding us to be aware of our warning signs.
warning signs...I'm sure they are around and I'm a bit blind! ;) love the destress diet. I need to add in Vit B! serious lacking in that!
tell James congrats for me too- I know he wanted to place higher but 7th is great!
ahhh, that is stressful. Glad you have this one now!!
yes you do, you gut would be happy. hehe! James wanted to do better, but like
you said...I think he did amazing. Whats next for you?
oh I agree. I think talking to someone and just venting is always needed!! hope
you had a good weekend of training.
are you finishing up school? If so, I hope you can find some time to destress
during this time Meghan!
isn't crazy how simple it is to destress just by stepping outside?! Clears your
mind, your body, etc. I'm so happy we get to talk to each other. You are amazing
my dear friend.
good call Cait! sometimes a run is the best medicine. Eases tension, etc.
I am right there with you Kath. ANd I have to say, that your mindulness has
rubbed off on me and I am so thankful. It has helped ease lots of stress.
did you see I put coconut on top of them too? Ahhh, even better! Hope you had a
great weekend friend.
emma, you make me smile from ear to ear! I love it! Stress come with the
territory, ya know? I just need to learn how to handle it better. Gods working
in me. Thank goodness!
oh good luck tomorrow Freya!! take a long walk tonight and destress!
You are so right! And I couldn't agree more with your warning signs, they sound
a lot like mine friend.
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
girl you are busy I know! Hopefully you and your hubs can find time to take
walks together and destress. I know you already have the eating part down, hehe.
I love the way you look it Lisa. So wise, thats why I love your words. They give
me clarity. Good luck with the next few days!!
I must read this book!! It sounds good. And thank you for such kind words, I
actually dont think I'm good at writing at all. haha. Wish I could just voice
record my thoughts instead.
yes you can! and maybe some good filmy kombucha, haha.
ditto! I think salmon and acovado cures all, no?
oh friend, I wish I could send you some brownies now! and some milk. I hope
things are better for you.
yes m'am! we need to come up with a chia crust salmon recipe. haha.
Great timing on this post. Between my husband trying to get a few more publications in order to get tenure, not knowing whether or not we will be living in the same place or buying a house(depends on tenure). A new baby. Wondering if our 11 year old car with 110+k miles on it will crap out or if we will have to buy a new one. Things can get stressful. Also, I could totally use a raw chocolate brownie right now.
oh no!! fever? Not good. Rest up friend, then when you are better, enjoy that
glass of wine.
Oh yes, the warning signs missed....all.the.time. Then when it all comes to a halt, you look back and can't figure out how you missed all of those darn signs.
oh yes, the sleepless night and tossing and turning are for sure warning
signs. Break free and bake, that ALWAYS helps! Good for the mind and body.
Good luck on your finals!
oh rachelle, I always learn from you! Your heart is so big and compassionate. I
cannot thank you enough for your inspiration. It helps me destress for sure!
oh I hear ya girl! Take some time to destress with just YOU! take a walk and
just talk to God. That always helps. You and your family really are amazing. I
am so glad to hear about your dad. I bet he feels so lucky to have you encourage
haha, heather you know my exact thoughts. those DAMN signs. How did I miss
them? Enjoy your sunday.
As exams are coming up (ONE WEEK!!), I can slowly feel some stress creepin' on in, but I'm going to take it ONE day at a time! :D
oh yes stress and diet go hand and hand for me, thanks for the reminder to de-stress )
I learn so much from you! I know that, generally, when I really concentrate on what I'm eating, I feel better. I did not realize that there are specific foods that can help de-stress. Thanks for another informative post. I'm off to buy sweet potatoes and asparagus now (2 of my favorites!).
Eating healthy to avoid stress is one of those cyclic ideals for me. Ideally, I know I should eat healthiest during those times I already have other factors indicating stress. But that's when my body screams for chocolate and pretzel bread.. :)
Ahhh, this post came at a wonderful time! I'm stressing hard since it's finals week! Definitely great tips :)
WOW, nice job on the 5k. Thats awesome girl! So proud of you! And for the
intuitive eating. you are really doing great! As far as weights go, I think TRX
is a great way to incorporate some strength training while running. Maybe 2 days
of TRX and another day of full body (like body pump). Just my thoughts. Play
around with it and see what works best. Keep me posted too!
oh thank Jen! Its crazy how much food can help or hurt us, ya know? just gotta
make sure to get A LOT of the right ones. Sweet potatoes and asparagus are my
favorites too!
and thank goodness I have my twins bakery raw crackers! These things are so good
to add into my diet. Love it! Just passed them along to another grocery store
today. They were excited!
oh good luck jess!! Youre gonna do great. Rest up, eat right. :)
The whole stress/food/atmosphere relationship is definitely an interesting one! I get frustrated sometimes that my natural reaction to intense stress is to go for the junk food (and as a grad student I've had plenty of stress!), when really the healthy food would make me feel better and help relieve some of that stress! I try to remind myself of that when my body is craving junk, but it's not always easy! I do need to work to minimize the stress environment, but school is making that tough. Usually in my life there is not too much stress that I can't control or influence in some way, but school is a little different, haha. I do need to procrastinate less to help relieve some of it, though:).
I believe that we are not only what we eat but HOW we eat, so for example, you will reap the most benefits from your food (the Amazing Grass) if you relax, taste and be present during your consumption. Now, that is easier said than done.
Lindsay, such a great post :) It reminds me a lot of Brendan Brazier's book Thrive. You are so true that nutritional stress and emotional stress are really the two biggest stressors that most of us experience. I actually just bought my first sample of Amazing Grass and can't wait to try it :)
I think my main source of stress is letting outside influences affect my sense of self, which is something I'm working on :)Those raw brownies look AMAZING! Hope you have a wonderful week! :)
I have to be honest here and say that even though my life overall is not stressful at the moment, I feel like I've put so much pressure on myself when it comes to my running/training. I just did a 10k and I can tell my body is tiiiired. Add to the fact that the spring semester just ended, most of the college students have vacated town, and life is a bit quieter. I have a feeling my body is trying to tell me to slow down. Exercise is good but not when it is causing stress! Stress with time, performance, goals, etc. Anyways, reading your post has reminded me that it's time to do my usual "inventory" - it seems the Lord has me checking some stuff every six months or so (I mean, he does almost every day, but it seems the big stuff checklist happens 2x a year)!
Jenny, I can definitely relate. Stress can pull us in every direction, and it
even effects our self worth. Then we hate that we've let it, ya
know? Lets finally let that go. Self acceptance begins with US, and no one
else. Amen to that?! Thank you for such an honest comment. I love your heart!
so true Michelle. I think God shows us when we are stressing our bodies too much
too. I am in need of a break of that myself. Enjoy the quiet times with school
being out!
Nice post! I agree how stress can just pop up .. but all the warning signs are right in front. Crazy stuff!
Great post Lindsay =)
I am definitely seeing some warning signs of stress: I keep waking up in the middle of the night, mind racing; I feel 'antsy' all the time; and now I'm getting sick. Since I can't change my atmosphere -- as in, not knowing what's going on with Max's enlistment/discharge -- I think I may try to tackle this with diet. Raw chocolate brownies, here I come!!
My sleep is the first thing to suffer when I am stressed! My mind races and it gets harder and harder to empty my head and fall asleep!
Yup!!De-stressing is more than essential.and so is eating right.Amazing how the food we consume can change our mental stability :)
Hope you have a great day!!
This past couple of months I've been dealing with a TON of stress with end-of-semester craziness! Thankfully things have finally calmed down, but I agree that lots of times we miss the warning signs in life!
PS: Just FYI, there's no link to Kath's site, but I was easily able to google it : )
Wonderful post, Lindsay! Isn't it ironic that we tend to reach for those foods that induce more stress when we're feeling anxious? Last night I was crunching to finish a 12-page paper, and realized that instead of eating a nourishing dinner, I'd snacked my way through a bag of popcorn and a chocolate bar. These were the foods that sounded good, but I know that I would have felt MUCH better had I prepared something more substantial.
Maybe I just need to make a batch of your raw chocolate brownies...De-stressing with something delicious, decadent AND healthy sounds pretty good to me!
i feel like my crankiness is always an indication of too much stress. yoga helps. a or nice brownie :)
I rely on way too much junk food when feeling stressed out - yet I know that I always feel better when I'm not eating crap. A vicious cycle...hard to break.
I have a stressful few weeks in June and I'm trying to get myself into good habits now - so I can ride the stress wave a little calmer.
Great post!
As you know- I eat ok- but not great- yesterday we all had cheesecake for breaky- not kidding, check the blog! BUT!!!! Good news is that today- I just took a break from cooking- cauliflower soup, veggie chili with lots of the things on your list AND made me and my hubby and spinach salad for lunch!! STRESS BE GONE!!
I need to live near you so you can bop me on the head when I want to eat like crap from stress. ;)
You always have the best recipes. Seriously!
Also I have some Amazing Greens that I need to use more - but I can't figure out the best way to use them besides smoothies. Any other fav uses?
oh definitely! the raw brownies are perfect for studying, just add a little hot
tea and your good to go, right? Good luck with the paper!
i think you did awesome in destressing with camping. What a wonderful way to get
out and relax! Thanks for the link info, I think I fixed it now.
yes indeed. I think we all could all use a smriti green smoothie! those
always look so nourishing!
ditto, so much on the mind. I hope this week you can push through work and have
a stress free weekend!
oh sable, i bet you are antsy. Not knowing an outcome can cause stress. I agree.
Just focus on what you can control, your health! take care of yourself. Let me
know if you try the brownies.
should I wait to send you healthy bites till after you move?
i like that, well said missy. You are always so insightful with this stuff. I
think you need to write a book!
at least you ate breakfast! hehe. I've had pizza for breakfast, so no worries.
Lots of good food to follow. Love it!
good planning Heather. Prep now and make those habits stick! I bet you can do it
with flying colors! keep me posted with how things are going.
oh amen to that!! CONSTANT crackiness is a HUGE warning sign. I'll take a yoga
class and a brownie to destress, sounds good!
haha, I meant crankiness, not CRACKINESS. see, i'm a little delirious.
move to austin and I will for sure! Warm weather! For the amazing grass, I like
to put it in oats, greek yogurt/granola, or even in cookies! you can put the
chocolate powder in a batch of brownies. HEALTHY BROWNIES.. yea!
So true! I feel that diet and exercise can help us manage all the stress in our lives for sure. When my body feels like its at its best, only then I feel I can take on whatever life throws my way! I definitely could eat one of your amazing looking brownies right about now too! Take care!
Food is one of the best/most natural de-stressors. I think everyone could use a little less stress in their lives!
I could DEFINITELY use your advice here! I know that what you eat helps everything in your body and life. Alkalizing foods helps eliminate internal stressors and reduce any acidity through foods and stress. I'm in a place right now where adding as much alkalizing and nourishing foods is on my list of MUSTS. It's actually doing it that's tough and time consuming. But so needed. Thank you for the reminder!
Looks like I need to up my intake of antioxidants (aka chocolate ;)) I definitely think that diet and stress go hand in hand. I always aim for the most nutrient dense foods to fuel the body and mind :D
I can totally relate to the falling rock unfortunately : ( The entrance to your neighborhood is very pretty, btw! Love Austin : )
Hope things settle down!
Katie : )
thanks katie. Can't beat Austin's beauty, that relaxes me for sure. Hope you are
enjoying some TX sun!
you mean like an oat cake? I saw yours....thats a definite must for me to
include in my diet right now! Hope your soreness is getting less painful.
yes, those alkalizing foods make a world of a difference when the body is
physically and emotionally stressed. I know you can relate! Lots of superfoods
and good dense calories. You going on vacation soon , right?!
amen to that girl! I just wish we had that plastered on our forehead. Eat well,
live well! ya know?
yes, so true chrysta! and I know you've been working hard on that project! Hope
you were able to eat well and not get too stressed. Is it all over?
Whoa those brownies!
Funny, there doesn't seem to be a mountain anywhere near that sign! Hope you can get your stress beaten! Right now my only stress is lack of sleep! :-)
i have been focusing on de-stressing lately too! like skipping town, being a blogger slacker and taking 3 days off of working out! ah! so unlike me. but... i think i needed it. back to reality, but breaks are so nice!
that sounds wonderful! You probably needed that, both physically and mentally!
Welcome back to reality now, ugh.
you are so cute and right Lindsay! eating right does help us handle the everyday stresses for sure. i think that is why i am addicted to oat bran and nooch! thank you for telling me to try it :)
food and exercise makes a huge difference! especially exercise..its such a good way for me to blow off steam and just feel good about myself. food obviously makes a huge difference too...theres a big difference between eating like crap and eating healthy! those brownies, by the way, look amazing!
remember this is TX, a mole hill is looked at as a mountain against those flat
plains. haha. Actually, Austin is pretty hilly. I hope you get some sleep after
your girls weekend. Too fun! Now thats what i call a blogger meet up!
LOL! love the oatbran and nooch. Cheesy comfort food made healthy, right? Thanks
for you encouragement Kali!
Thanks to this awesome post and photo, I am going to motivate myself to bake brownies. Do I need them? No....but they will taste gooooood.
thats the best part, they are raw so you don't even have to bake them! WEEEE!!!
just blend and put in the freezer. Oh and for the pineapple bread, I bet canned
pineapple would work, just use 3/4 to 1 cup milk instead. Happy baking Raina!
You do a lovely job of showing how food can help with stress. I've never actually considered this. For me, it's exercise. That means if I don't get it I'm um, not to be messed with :). Yikes.
haha, ditto. But I think the two go hand in hand, for me personally. If one is
off, then the other just stresses me out.
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