Right now I am helping the hubs pack. He’s off to Raleigh in the morning to meet up with a buddy for some training time. Then down to Florida for another race this weekend. In the midst of the last minute organization and to-do lists, I’ve got nothing. No mushy posts, no fun recipe, no intense workouts. Instead, I have my eyes. Eyes that saw a more than just a captured moment during this weekend’s Mothers Day celebration.
I spy a unique bond…..
My mom always made the hubs feel welcomed in our family (before we were married) and that bond has continued to grow. It grows even more over bowl of chips and salsa! hehe.
I spy celebration and color………….
Mothers day – we celebrate with good food and wine.
I spy eyes of wisdom and smiles of love…..
and maybe a little too much fun with the camera
I spy fresh air and family………
My brothers back yard brings the whole family together (fur babies and all).
I spy an early flight and an early night…..

What did you spy this weekend?
I spied Tony getting a tattoo this weekend. I also spied some good times with my boys! Good luck to the hubs! I hope he has a great trip!
What a wonderful post Lindsay! It is such a blessing that your husband and mom are so close :)
You and your mom have the same beautiful eyes :) Best wishes for your husbands safe travels and for your week ahead!
Today I spied a sad little pup who had to give up his favorite toy (he was chewing it to bits!) He's a little depressed now, poor guy..
I spied little kids at the pool. I wanted to kill them. LOL.
I spied a very happy, loving, laughing, fun playing family on Mother's Day! Brunch was so comical with all the siblings sitting around the table and 3 golden retrievers baking in the gorgeous weather that we finally deserved. Have a great night Lindsay!
ohI hope you took pictures of that! I would love to see all those pups and
beautiful family! hope your brother is doing well too.
Looks like a great weekend!!
I met up with some friends for drinks, and other friends for coffee and then did the ma and grandma thing! Fun weekend!!
hmmmm. i spied a thunderstorm. that ruined my nap outside.
LOL!, been there!
This looks like such a wonderful weekend! I love your pictures! :)
You are so fortunate to have a wonderful family.
I saw a glimpse of a relaxed me - something I haven't seen for months! It was fantastic.
what good company jess! love it.
I love this. It made me smile and feel calm. :) Precious that James and your mom have a special bond. You and your mom have gentle, but lively, loving eyes. I hope you are enjoying some quiet time with the hubs tonight. Let's talk soon. xo
p.s. I spied lots of fun with family and good food yesterday celebrating 3 moms - my mom and my sisters!
Love the pics, especially that first one...such a special bond!
oh yea, 3 moms!!! how precious and beautiful. I can't wait to talk. I gonna
need lots of dorry talk time soon since the hubs is gone. haha.
oh thats WONDERFUL! I need to spy that myself. So happy for you Heather.
oh but I sleep so good inside with a thunderstorm. Hope your nap was continued!
thanks so much Jenny. I hope your pup has learned his lesson. hehe. Mine has
done that several times!
he got a tatoo?? Do we get to see it on the blog?? Hope you had a great mom's
day with your boys.
me too. Its so sweet and it touches my heart! Hope you had a great mothers day!
you are too cute. good luck to James and his upcoming race!
I love the first picture! My mom was always good about welcoming Jason into our family right away. I think on our first date she asked him to call her Mom! Yikes.
oh thats too cute! Moms are so good at that, ya know?
I spied my dad starting a cribbage game with a 26 point hand, a battle filled game, and a surprise win! I phone-spied my sister happier than in a long-long time! I imagination-phone spied my nephew taking way too long and my sis doing her best! I spied my Mom happy with how her youngest has grown up!
I spied rest and relaxation! I spied a new record on the trails when I wasn't trying! I spied love and contentment!
You write to beautifully Lindsay! I love how you bring your family, nutrient dense food, good times and fur babies all into one cohesive post!
COuld you be any more photogenic?! Do you or the hubs have a race coming up?
ahhh boo! darling I wish you were going to raleigh with him b/c i'd drive over and have a kombucha with ya! ahhh so sad!
love youuu!
xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons
There's so much love radiating in these pictures! Your words encapsulate the beauty that's found in small moments...Bonding over good food and wine, and spending time outside in the fresh air with loved ones, are truly wonderful ways to celebrate family!
Today I spied (and smelled) blooming flowers on a long revitalizing walk. I couldn't help but snap a few pictures to capture the moment. :-)
Cute post! I spied flowers beginning to bloom in my house today. The fact I can make something, anything bloom is an accomplishment.
Cute! I spied a pretty chill weekend and Texas time : ) Safe travels to the hubs!
Katie : )
What a great way to make a great post out of what you thought was nothing. This weekend I'm going to try and spy some triathlons in Tampa as well as a new apartment! I found an olympic tri about an hour from Tampa on Saturday morning that would be awesome to race in! Think James would let me borrow his bike on Saturday...? Lol ; )
aww yes, a well deserved chill weekend!
woohoo, blooming buds are definitely an achievement!
How beautiful the two of you are!!!! I hope I do a tri out near you some day so we can meet!
yes, please do! or at maybe we can come to CO!
oh what a fun way to enjoy a new city! a race! And don't think you can borrow
the bike. If I am not allowed, you are not allowed. haha.
this is the best time of year to capture such beauty in nature, right? I hope
you post those pics!
oh man! I really wish I could jump on a plane now and come visit you!!!
the hubs has a race. Wish I could be there to watch him too. Next time. :)
i love all that you spied. Wendy, you really have a great gift of words.
What a lovely post! Isn't it the greatest gift when you get along with your in-laws so well? It can be such a bearing and neverending source of troubles otherwise.
Love this post. Isn't it amazing what the eyes or a smile can show? This weekend I spied summer in bloom, the innocence of children, and the joy of friendships.
I hope the hubs makes the flight he wanted to :) I love this I spy post.. a picture is worth 1,000 words :)
The fur babies are adorable!!
Love the happy dogs romping :)
I saw lots of hot sunshine this weekend!
I spied a new and loving bond being formed (we went to a wedding:) and some new adventures in healthy living (my Kombucha purchase;). Love the pictures with your mom!:)
ohhh what a fun post! I love this idea! What did I spy this weekend? the open outdoors and mountains as I was hiking with friends, my sweet pup waking me up with puppy kisses on mother's day and the finish line of my first half post-injury :) it was a good weekend!
God I love your blog, so much. You always bring such a simple - but strong message our way, and at just the right time. I loved this post, so much. I feel like I say that with EVERY post of yours lately.
well I love your HONESTY! hehe, i just read your post, which I always love
reading too. I think we have the same brain sometimes.
you spied some beautiful things, and I LOVE IT!!! Congrats on an injury free
half marathon!
yay for kombucha. How was your first experience? Beside the floaties of course,
you sure did! congrats on your race!
yep, he made it! phew! its always a hit or miss. How are finals going?
its fun to watch children at play, i miss that innocence for sure. haha. Are you
feeling better?
i am so lucky to get along with both parents and my in laws. I chose wisely,
How you are doing these days friend?
I don't know if I'll ever get over how amazing of a person you are. Genuine and caring in every way. Lucky mama you have. :) Oh and lucky hubs!... ad dog. ;)
I love this post and all of the pictures. I love the simplicity of this post and truly believe it is the simplest things in life that make it so great. Over the weekend I spied laughter, happiness, and smiles! :)
ahhh... lovely post! beautiful smiling (and wise!) photos, and I love that about James being accepted as family even before marriage. Moms know. :D
I spied so many wonderful things this weekend, as we are in the middle of our vacation! beautiful sunshine, top down on breezy drives (of the CAR, not me!) ;) and much time for relaxation, rejuvenation and renewal. <3
hope you have a great week, my friend!
What gorgeous photos!! I spy a loving daughter and a devoted wife! Hope you got the hubs packed and ready for the trip.
I spy with my little eye, a kiddo covered in chex cereal. That is my cue... :D
so happy to hear this Kris! Rejuvenation and Renewal is the perfect way to spend
a vacation. I hope you are taking lots of pictures!
oh thats a cute picture. Chex covered kiddos are the best!
and I got to see all that in your post! I loved it.
good luck to your hubs!! love the shots of the pretty mama!
You and your momma are SO STUNNING!! I love eyes so much- I really feel like they say so much about someone! And I can tell from you and your momma's eyes that you two have truly beatiful hearts:)
And GOOD LUCK to the hubs with his upcoming race!!
Love the post :) and all the fun weekend photos!
Over the weekend I spied a Beautiful New Mexican Vineyard (owned by the Sis' Bf's parents, and I may have suggested they open a B & B so I could come stay there....haha) & a loving family together to celebrate the end of a chpter - no more graduations, ever! ;)
awwwww!! i love this! what a great idea for a post. I love that your mom and husband are close. that's so important. with M, I love that he already connects so well with my family, something my ex did okay, but not nearly as quickly or as good as M. :)
thanks emma! How you are feeling? better these days? been thinking about you!
oh I second that notion! I'll come visit the vineyard and B&B!! Glad you all had
a great celebration. Welcome home!
Aweee Linds, your Mom is adorable!! I am so glad you guys had a fun time in the sun:) Today is my daddy's birthday, so I spy a homemade card!!
i could definitely tell from your posts that M is well liked and embraced by
your family! Such an awesome gift, ya know?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PADRE!!!! Do we get to see pics of the homemade card? I hope so!
oooh is it just a coincidence that mother-in-law has a glass of wine whilst in the company of her daughter's hub?! who is also clutching a pint... hahahahaha! :-p
I'm always a fan of celebrating good wine... and good people :) Very cute pictures!
I know, so classic right? Love it!
My bf and Mom are very close too and it means the world to me. You and your Mom are gorgeous! I love your fur babies!!! I spied a massive thunderstorm with hail the size of ping-pong balls, it was rather interesting haha
Aww thank you so much Linds! That means a lot! Yes right now I am feeling better, and hopefully I still will be in the morning! Much love <3
I spy my bed right now... because this girl went to bed TOO late last night! haha... I know that isn't exactly what you meant, but it's the truth!
oh nice! we got a thunderstorm too....for a whole 2 minutes. haha. Good luck with finals friend!
I spied rain after days of heat and sunny weather and I am spying a really good weekend approaching :D
this weekend i spied my friends who came out to support me while i did my crazy ultra.
i spied my hubby with the darn camera taking pics of me while running my crazy ultra (pics not so flattering!!) haha
i spied my mom who, even tho she thinks i train too much, being proud that her 49yr old kid can do this crazy stuff
i spied a big ol' bacon cheese burger and yam fries washed down with a guinness at the end of it all (know your hubs can relate to that...at least the guinness!!)
safe travels to your husband! this weekend I spied lots and lots of relaxing time for me and my fella. I have a few crazy work weeks coming up so it was great to spend time unwinding with him!
oh my gosh, how did it go???? Please send pics and tell me all about it audrey!
the calm before the storm, eh? Glad you got some good down time with your man.
Much needed!
i LOVE that huge backyard! I've always wanted a good piece of land for Rocky to be able to roam : )
its awesome! the dogs go crazy...like one big recess session, haha.
Can I say that this is adorable?!? Your mom is so cute! This weekend, I spied my old roommate at her bridal shower. :) It made me happy.
Hey beautiful lady, I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you with the "Stylish Blogger Award." :-)
I spied A LOT this weekend! I had wonderful times with friends and family... now... if only we lived closer I could spy you!
you can TOTALLY steal the confessions idea...i'm sure i stole it from another blog a while ago!!
I spy a visit to AUSTIN!!! right?
oh that makes me happy too! Good times, new times, and memories all made!
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