Let’s talk about injury. No, not a physical injury, a mental injury. I think we all have either been there or are currently there. And you know what, it’s time to heal for good.
So what is a mental injury? It’s a wound that is engraved in your mind. A wound that says….. I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not strong enough, I’m not fast enough, I’m not healthy enough, I’m not positive enough, I’m not successful enough and so on and so on and so on.
Well, I’m done with it. How can we stop the wound from swelling? How can we let it heal? That’s just it…..sometimes we CAN'T fix it. We can only SURRENDER to it. Why? Because we are human. Imperfections and flaws are always going to be there. God gave us those for a reason. God also allows us to feel broken so that we can rely on Him to rebuild us, to heal us, to feel at peace with our humanness.
I don’t really know where I am going with this, but it has been on my heart. Mental injuries can linger on for years if we don’t let things go. If we don’t let down walls. If we don’t learn to find strength and encouragement from God and from others who love us.
My mind is done being on the injured list. God, thank you for letting me see my flaws and embrace them. Today, I am finally starting to feel at peace. That wound is shrinking because I am finally start to treat it properly.
Phew, that was a lot. I feel better now. Let’s end this mush on a high note, shall we?
I heard HERE that Cherries and Berries can help refresh the brain. I’m all over that! Here is another custom healthy bite order that just might help heal that mental injury.
Cherry Berry Delight Bite
So good, I just had to kiss it!
Ingredients:- 2/3 cup dried cherries or cherry flavored dried cranberries.
- 2 tbsp crushed dried banana chips
- 1/3 cup crushed gluten free animal crackers
- 2 heaping spoonfuls of natural peanut butter
- 2-3 tbsp honey
- 35grams strawberry protein powder (I used BIOCHEM 100% Whey)
- Grind up cherries in food processor. Makes sure you grind up the rest of your dry ingredients as well. Transfer into a large bowl and add in peanut butter and honey. Mix well, then roll into balls/bites. Freeze right away then store in fridge or freezer to maintain freshness. Makes 20-22 bites.
Dare I ask....how’s your mental health?
I hope it is well my friends!