For some reason, I ate a lot of PEAR things today. Hence the “pear”fect day.
Come on, ya gotta laugh at that.

Lunch- I call this my protein rich deviled egg sandwich on Udi’s GF bread.. It’s a recipe I will definitely share this week. If you like a little twist on egg salad, then you will like this. If you don’t, then just gag and keep reading.
Sippin on some greens. I used Sun Chlorella granules this time. Interesting, yes, but I made it pretty tasty despite the color.
More snacks…Asian Pear and Pear Blessing Bites.
My first Gluten Free beer. It was bloody hot out and I have to say, this hit the spot. I don’t even drink beer. haha.
Dinner- Another Hodge Podge clean out the fridge dinner. Lets see, we got eggs with diced tempeh and paprika, chicken sausage, millet, steamed kale, hummus, and cucumber salad all mixed in. Did I leave anything out?
Don’t worry, I didn’t forget to have my favorites. Pick a flavor, any flavor!
Alright, we fueled. Now lets get to the sweat fest WIWW (what I worked Wednesday).
This one left me sore for DAYS! EEK!
Sore and More Workout
- 50 seconds squat to reverse lunge (with weights)
- 15 monkey pushups to jump (next round you will do 14, and so on).
- 50 seconds single leg squat and curl (alternate legs with each round)
- 15 side to side burpees
- 50 seconds high Knees
- 15 tricep pushups
- 50 seconds ab tucks (bring knees to opposite side of body when tucking)
Repeat this circuit in a pyramid countdown 5-6 times. You will get down to 8-10 reps of each. The 50 seconds of workout between reps stays the same. Trust me, you will be tired!
That’s it for me today. What makes your day good or bad?
I almost forgot. I used Random Generator for the GOTEIN giveaway and Jess from eatdrinkbreathesweat won. Yea Jess! Hope you to use this for all the half marathon training! Send me your address please.

Yowzers on that workout! Pyramids are always tough no matter what type of workout. Did you like that beer? My sister tried that one and one other. She wasn't super impressed to be honest, but I know it all depends on what type of beer you're used to.
And YAY to Jess!!!!
You can create the best meals from " the fridge leftovers"!!! I love your circuit workout---did you take your class through this too? Betyou kept that HR up!!
Send your heat my way pleeeeease!
Nice job on the workout! Pyramid workouts drive me to the ground! Those pear blessing bites look great. My day has been pretty good I must say. The weather is perfect!!
YAY JESS! I am so jealous...hehe, BUT if I am REALLY nice to her, maybe she'll share ;-) That workout looks wicked hahhhhd <-said in the best Boston accent I can fake (since I don't really have one). I also loved your eats today, looking forward to the egg salad recipe!!
yay! another 'count down' reps person- keeps it varied :) also, a fellow granola/ CC combo fan... I <3 this, just 'tops me up' that bit better than yogurt!
The food looks so amazing!! I LOVE pears!!! I did a total body workout today..ate cereal with strawberries for with cheese and crackers and more strawberries for lunch..then spaghetti with garlic bread some nut mix and a banana with pb. yummy. its so ugly and nasty here in Ohio today. its so dark and pouring down rain. have a great blessed day<3
Ok so I'm simultaneously hungry and motivated!! That workout looks like a real killer- really good motivation for me since I've been craving some strength training lately. Heading out the door for the gym--Oatmega bar in hand...
Food definitely makes or breaks my day. I've gotten better about giving my poor husband warning signals like "food meltdown crisis in 5..4...3..2..1" if I'm not fed on time! But there's no doubt you just feel so much better when you've eaten good stuff during the day.
me too! I think I am the only one who loves the texture of cottage cheese, haha.
yes, I totally did this with my class. they hated me, haha. Well, they did a
good job actually. And please, move down to TX. I'll give ya some food and you
can enjoy the heat.
haha, the beer was soooo light. It was just refreshing. Not really much taste to
be honest, but hit the thirst spot for sure.
yes, tell jess to share. You gotta try this stuff. Its just like your muscle
milk light. YAY!
LOL! been there.
Food totally makes my day! This looks like a tasty day! Tony only drinks beer now when it's hot out too. Your eats look perfect today!
what GF beer does he like? Any specifics?
Oooooh, pears and cottage cheese?! I've never tried that combination before, but it sounds great. Looks like you enjoyed delicious food today + a well-deserved beer! :)
I love your eats - especially the asian pear! those things are so crisp, refreshing, & delicious! i may be biased b/c they have "asian" in the name! haha!
Aww I didn't win, booo :( And yummy WIAW eats. The love grown granola with pear looks so yummy :D
Your food always looks soo yummy!!!!
I got to go to a spinning class and did well on one of my finals, so I'd say that I had a pretty good day!
Yum! I love Asian pears, and might have to try making your blessing bites. On another note, racks of Kombucha give me serious decision anxiety! I'm worse than Rebecca Black deciding "Which drink can I take?"
haha, love it! yes, it was a tough call, but I went with trilogy. Love that
It has been much too long since I had a good pear...I think this needs to remedied immediately. Haha I will admit I did just gag and move on ;-) I am no fan of egg salad...but the rest of your eats today look super tasty as always.
I am DEFINITELY saving this workout to do the next time I need to kick my butt!
LOVE egg salad, so can't wait to see your recipe!
awesome workout! and thanks for your sweet comment. Life is good...just needed a little break!
ha - I'm not a beer drinker either, but I had one the other day that was SO refreshing! it was NOT gluten free though... mew. ;)
that egg salad looks awesome. just awesome. and the workout looks AWESOME - I'm going to do those monkey pushups just because I like the name!!
It's the little things that make my day: the ideal morning temperature for my run, a perfectly "ripe" banana (it's got to have some green around the stem!), a smile from a stranger.
I actually really like the taste of chlorella! Chlorella, green bananas- yep, I'm probably crazy :)
oh I totally liked it too! and youre not crazy, green bananas rock!
sore and more. that sounds promising. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep makes my day good or bad. or the quality of it. 5 solid hours trumps 8+ of tossing and turning.
of course going out with friends makes my days too
oh yes, solid hours are crucial! I had that last night, it ROCKED!
So funny! So many Jess's have been winning prizes lately! I get so excited and then realize it isn't me! hehe :)
Everything looks so tasty! :)
yes, this workout would be awesome for a little study break. how are ya friend?
thats awesome Gen. Spinning is a great workout.
oh girl, I saw your fudruckers post and drooled. I wish i could eat that burger
with a GF bun! haha.
haha, I agree. Asians are the best....pears that is.
i know, add a little cinnamon and vanilla granola and its like a pear crisp!
awesome!!! hope the gym session went well. Lots of sweat, haha.
You're so right about great food being an absolutely necessity for a perfect day. I can't imagine feeling well without yummy, nutritious eats! :)
Love the workout, to be honest my workouts have been lacking interval training lately as I've just been enjoying my runs. My first workout back into intervals is going to be rough!
For a 'clean out the fridge' meal that looks pretty awesome! :) Looking forward to seeing you egg sandwich recipe because we have some eggs we need to use! :)
Hope all is well!
oh girl, that sound perfect! i love the strawberries. Wish you could fly down
here, its hot though!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
ahhh you have so many flavors of kombucha.. like a kid in a candystore!
Pears are one of my favorite fruits so naturally i'm a big fan of your pear them/pear bites!
oh yes, if the weather is great then my mood is great. Amen to that!
hehe, yes I love the name too. Monkey pushups just sound more fun! So i thought
of you when making the egg sandwich because I was wishing I had jalapenos!
oh I totally get giddy when choosing a flavor. haha.
oh I agree, since the weather is nice, running is awesome! take advantage of
that. So glad you found your Overnight oats, hehe.
AGREED. a good night's sleep and some good food always make my day great! loving all of the pear stuff you had today! I have not eaten anything "pear" in a while!
everytime you show that kombucha photo I get insanely thirsty/jealous =) haha!
xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons
oh you should, I do every time!!
WOHHH THAT EGG SALAD SANDWICH JUST ROCKED MY WORLD. I totally forgot that egg salad exists. Din din tonight!!!
Ooooh, pick me, I know the answer! What makes my day good or bad is ME and my attitude! I don't always succeed at this, but I try REALLY hard to catch myself when I'm starting to get crabby (usually it starts with a traffic jam on the way to work, or something like that) and make myself take a deep breath, relax, and focus on the positives! Or, just make myself smile! It usually has me back on track in no time!
And I love a twist on egg salad! Bring it on!:)
No wonder you look so flippin' Amazing!! What a balance of good food and exercise! You have me all charged up to go exercise!! And eat healthy! Congrats Jess!
i agree! its good to catch yourself before. Well said Erin!
i totally was craving some kid food, haha. Minus the beer. You almost done with
woo hoo, glad I could pass it along. And now, I am hoping i sleep well from all
that. phew!
Yes -- when I sleep well, eat well the day before and exercise consistently I seem to have better days -- my mood is good and that definitely impacts others around me as well!
I love egg salad so I will look forward to your recipe! :)
Can you please feed me?? Your meals look full of nutrients and so delicious. My good days are typically the ones that go "according to plan", but then again, some of my favorite times have been spontaneous decisions! Ultimately, I know that I have the power to make everyday a good day. I just need a positive attitude, patience and prayer. And yoga! :)
yes m'am. I'll feed you anyday. And you are so right, the power of a
positive attitude and prayer makes it all!
I miss you already. Can we talk before you head out to the beach??
yes, my poor husband will get the rift if I am not having a good day. haha, I
should probably work on that. Poor guy. I think I make it up to him with fixing
him food though, at least I hope so.
Your food looks amazing, as does that workout! Can we just work out together please? I haven't been able to comment because i've been computerless, but don't you worry I've been reading and loving every post as always! You're awesome linds!! xoxoxo
Yummm I love kombucha. Look at all those flavors!
That sandwich looks awesome. I've never tried making egg salad but I'm excited to see your recipe!
Good food, certainly. Good coffee in the morning. Just about 6 hours of sleep. A good effortless run. And then, evening ending feeling I have been productive. :-)
Great workout!! And ain´t pears just the perfect addition to any breakfast? :) I love them, but I haven´t tried the "asian version" yet.
WHEW, I did the monkeys! ;) I did most of this, actually, and it was awesome!
jalapenos. in an egg salad. Absolutely Yes. :D
and maybe some good internet? haha, jk! Hope your still getting some good korean
food with your parents there. Super jealous!
monkey see, monkey do. hehe.
oh they are like the PINK LADY of the pears. You gotta try them!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
oh yes please, lets hang out. I'm dying to!! Hope you were able to fix your
computer. No worries about commenting. I just like to catch up with you!
girl, go grab yourself a pear! bite into it while sitting outside
the sunshine! PEARFECT!
I really want to hear about the egg lunch haha I love a twist on the good ole favorites :)
Sounds like a pear-fect day! I love dinners that clean out the fridge, tasty AND productive!
i have a feeling you'll like this recipe. Wish we could share a sandwich
Happy bday to your beaux.
i think you'll like it! well, I hope so. hehe.
Nothing like opening a cold beer on a hot day ;) what makes a good day for me is when I get a lot done off my to do list! and don't stress about the little thigns!
Mmm... pear sounds good! I haven't had a nice big juicy pear in such a long time. Yummy eats, Lindsay! :)
Your food always looks so good I can't believe it's all GF! Love that egg salad sandwich! You'll have to post that recipe. We have chickens so I'm always looking for new ideas on how to use eggs!
And that workout looks intense! Have a great day!
I love those "clean out the fridge" dinners. And I love that one you posted above. There's so much variety in the dish... those are my favorites!
Happy WIA... Thursday!!
I am all over your 'clean out the fridge' dinner idea. And, it really does look like you left nothing behind. :)
I'm going to find that good kombucha in Quassy...I'll give it one more shot! ;) yum- I've been craving eggs like crazy the last couple days (think my B12 and iron is low) and that snadwhich looks delish!
you and me both! eggs, eggs, and more eggs!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
i know, I really didnt. I think I ate every vegetable left. Felt good!
for some reason, pears and peaches quench my thirst in this heat. I dig that!
me too. A good productive day where your to-do list gets tackled, right?!
oh farm fresh eggs are the best! I'll post the recipe tomorrow. Hard boil some
of those today. This will be perfect for ya! and yes, all my eats are GF.
OOOoooh I LOVE egg salad -- super excited for that recipe :D
I have not gotten around to using my Sun Chlorella granules yet!! How do they taste added to a smoothie?
that workout sounds so good!! ouchy :)
i love dinners like yours: random, yummy, and clean fridge!
I liked the chlorella granules! I made it with unsweetened Life basics protein,
cucumber, basil, ice, banana, cinnamon, ginger, and a little honey. Sounds weird
but it was GOOD!
I loove the look of those pear blessing bites! Your eats were so much better than mine yesterday. ;)
I bet yours had some good flavor. hehe.
I love Asian Pears!
I totally agree that food is crucial for a good day! Eating bad makes me feel bad *all the time* sometimes even the next days as well, and this can totally ruin an otherwise wonderful day for me.
haha, I knew you'd like asian pears! So glad you had a great trip. take me with
you next time!
Deviled egg salad=A CLASSIC.
I finished school today :D Hope you are having a GREATTT Thursday :)
I wish I lived in Austin and that you were my personal trainer and made me those blessing bites.
you devil you- that deviled egg sandwich looks ..umm (for lack of better pun) SINFUL! i think i see a little paprika in there too, a necessity with deviled eggs :)
ive re-committed myself to drinking more GT's Kombucha..and am now loving the multi-green...the next step would be getting an IV of it .... now that wouldnt be so bad huh! haha
xoxo <3
me too! and I'd love to meet your kiddos!! maybe one day. right?
yum that egg salad looks so good! love that workout too! ive never done side to side burpees...gotta try that!
Ya gotta love good puns; they're pearfect :-) I think I need to overcome my aversion to cottage cheese too; yours looks great!
I can't wait for the egg salad recipe. Looks delicious!
you sure do! But I do have to say, its all about the right brand of cottage
cheese. Daisy is the only brand without any additives. Much better texture.
oh try it! side to side burpees are awesome, great side plank work too!
yep, you betcha! I then wonder why i ate it in the first place. Hope youre
getting some rest friend.
haha, I love your pun. It is SINFUL, and totally delicious. Yay for more GT
in your life. Hope it makes your day!
oh yes, your kiddos might like this too!
I think I feel sore,reading your workout :)
Nice!!!and I LOVE Kombucha gingerade...Going to get one today!!
Hope you have a good day :)
Egg salad sandwiches are my absolute favorite. They bring back memories of childhood, especially picnics with my Grammy. I'm looking forward to your protein-rich recipe!
Have you tried the KeVita coconut probiotic drinks? They're new at Whole Foods (on the same shelf as kombucha), and pretty darn tasty!
Happy Memorial Day weekend, Lindsay!
I like the dinner hodge podge, sounds excellent!
I don't have a lot of bad days, but bad sleep can make it loooong fo sho.
totally reminds me of my grammy (nana) too! I love that. I have tried KeVita.
Its good, but a littl too sweet for me. Still a great drink though!
oh soo true! It makes me happy to know your days are good! Cheers to that
I love random hodge-podge dinners when cleaning out the fridge! Sometimes they end up gross, but sometimes the end up DELICIOUS! : )
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