Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rewind...lets pretend its Monday!

Well, Happy Cinco de Mayo! Hope your enjoying some good chips and salsa  or any other festive food! I am rewinding this post back to Monday, when I was suppose to post it. So here's to Mission Monday.....

So Bre and I were talking about how its hard for her to create pre-race meals that aren't too heavy and gluten/dairy free. She said she usually just has cereal or some other form of baked gluten free goods. I told her I had a great meal thats light, yet rich in the carbs/protein you need. Tuscon Chicken and Polenta. I call it my "Gourmet Fuel" meal. Its great the night before a long run/ride, race, etc. Since Bre is racing this weekend in Knoxville, this came at a perfect time.  Plus she's never had polenta....ever!!

Here's my version of Tuscan Chicken and Polenta
Adapted from TLC Cooking

Yield: Makes 4 servings


1 package round polenta (see picture)
4-5 basil leaves
1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
4 skinless chicken breasts
1 can Stewed Tomatoes
Nonstick cooking spray (I used coconut oil spray)
Fresh spinach and arugula leaves, steamed (optional)


1.Slice Polenta into rounds and place on sprayed cookie sheet. Season with pepper. Bake at 375F for 16 minutes and broil for 1-2 minutes after that. If you desire cheese (we used almond cheese), place slices on polenta for the last 3-4 minutes.

2. Combine Italian seasoning, salt and pepper in small bowl; rub on all surfaces of chicken. Place chicken, stewed tomatoes, and fresh basil in a skillet and cook on medium high for about 20-25 minutes or until chicken is done.

3.Place steamed spinach and arugula leaves on serving plates. Arrange baked polenta slices and chicken over spinach; top with Stewed Tomatoes and Sauce from skillet.

Nutritional Information: (minus the spinach/arugula)
Serving Size: 1 chicken breast with 3 thin slices polenta and 1/4 cup Stewed Tomato Sauce.
Calories 248
Protein 31 g
Fiber 4 g
Carbohydrate 21 g
Saturated Fat 1 g
Total Fat 4 g

The stats are pretty good and you can adjust your carb intake (add more polenta slices) if need be. The hubs and I scarfed this down and kissed our fingers (just like the Italians do)!
Bre will make this and report back after her crazy taper/race week. Please send her good luck wishes as she heads down to race REV 3 triathlon in Nashville this weekend!

Well, its time for some Modern Family and dessert. Whats your go to pre-race/fuel up meal???
