So instead, I thought I’d share a little What I Ate and What I Worked Wednesday
Kona Wedding Style.
Hard to believe it was three and a half years ago!
It’s pretty simple….We ate lots of cake, cupcakes, champagne, and coca cola???
My cake was white chocolate with apricot filling. The hubs loved his Lemon Cupcake and Chocolate Cupcake tier.
Ya, the hubs loves his classic coke in those cute little bottles.
I think he purposely dropped the cake down my dress! hmmmm…..
After a good feed, we WORKED it on the Dance floor.
A dip with the hubs and dance with my dad. Loved it!
I think I was thoroughly enjoying the spot light, or maybe it was the wine. hehe!
We saved the best for last, our dance.
I may not have had any workouts, food, or recipes posted here today, BUT at least it was a creative WIAW. Do I get points for that Jen?

Okay, now I really need to know….best thing you ate on this WIAW!?
Aaaaw how sweet!!!! I loved this WIAW!! :D
Best thing I had today: oatmeal raisin cookie!!!!
of course you do! =) MWAH!
Awwwww!! I love these pictures, you two look SO BEAUTIFUL and SO IN LOVE!! That is the best thing ever. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory with us. Made my day. Truly. thing I ate so far today? A super-delicious salad made by the hubs (he surprised me and made it last night while I was at barre) complete with black beans and lots of fresh veggies. The fact that he made it for me made it taste even better :)
that does sounds good! hope you had some milk to wash it down.
oh my, brownie points to the hubs for making it!! You got a good one Jess.
awww i love weddings and love stories! this just made my wednesday!
AWWWW! Well we eloped so I have no wedding pictures. I haven't eaten anything exciting either!
well you better have something exciting for dinner!
LOVE this - you are absolutely gorgeous! Looks like a dream day. And no worries on not taking food pics today my dear - time with the hubby is WAY more important!!!! Go enjoy now!!!!
you and hubster are adorable! Hmmm so you were keepng him preoccupied when ihe ignored my call?! Haha jk! My bfast was delish, rolled oats, milk, frozen banana, protein power and a splash of vanilla mixed up in the blender!
Wow your wedding was absolutely beautiful. How perfect! Lets go on a blogger trip to Hawaii? Wouldn't that be so fun! I ate a sugar free oatmeal raisin cookie today and it was suprisingly delicious. :)
LOL!! maybe so...
Beautiful pics---looks like a magical time!
Too cute! You guys didn't get married too long after us, as it'll be 4 yrs next month! Best thing I had was a refreshing bottle of kombucha after a long run on tired legs :)
now thats my kinda of style! Glad you enjoyed a cold one (booch that is). Hey
maybe we should have had joint weddings.....hahaha
Um, can I admit I got teary eyed reading this post. I love that he accidentally dropped the cake down your dress. Loved the coca cola picture. Seriously, you are the most beautiful couple ever. Thank you for this post. So SO happy that James is back!!!!
How cute!! I love your WIAW wedding eats. Cake and cupcakes?! I am in love :)
you are so sweet to me Janae. I thought of you while posting this. I almost
named it What Janae Wants (to see) Wednesday, haha. Glad you enjoyed it. Now we
just need to go back and you and Billster need to come too! yea!
What great pictures and looks like you guys had such a wonderful wedding. Classic coke, way cool!
I had a great run with a yoga class after and best thing I ate today....well what I'm gonna eat is my salmon with quinoa and roasted potatoes for dinner!
I. Love. This. I think this is my fave WIAW EVER!! Your wedding looks so so amazing!! You look UNBELIEVABLY beautiful! The Hubs is a lucky guy, specially having a wife who can dance like that haha! ;)
You two are such an inspirational couple and I love you two! Oh, and you guys have the BEST choice in cake!! :D
Best thing I ate? Lots of nut butter hehe! AND a Marmite and apple sandwich that was pretty awesome:)
aww! Love this too! You two are a smashing couple and all of your pictures are gorgeous. Favorite thing I ate today? mango chobani. yum, one of my top two faves (lemon is tops!) right now!
ahhh, yes!! Mango is so good. Lucky girl.
Lindsay Cot
going now! yea! Its good to have him back. I no longer feel the need to deadbolt
all the doors. haha.
Your wedding pics are so beautiful :-)
Hope you're having/had a good day with James too. The best thing I ate today was fresh strawberries with coconut cream and some crumbled meringue - heaven!
The pictures are gorgeous! Beach weddings are THE BEST :)
beautiful pictures!
tomorrow I will have a wedding post also
10 years.
oh ya, now you got me craving that!
Awww such sweet and fun wedding pics! You're beautiful :-)
Lindsay you and James are so cute!!! I love the wedding pictures -- and everything from the cake to the cupcakes to the coca cola looks fabulous!
I am fighting a flu so eating salad and chicken was pretty exciting!
What a beautiful wedding! You look so happy and gorgeous in these photos.
Best thing I ate today--I tried a new Larabar, carrot cake flavor and it was fabulous!
You get points in my book! I love this! You look amazing!
I love this! I'm a total sucker for weddings (I used to work at a country club where we had them every weekend). And you were an absolutely gorgeous bride.
I kind of loved everything I ate today but the highlight was certainly the two bowls of shredded wheat I've had today. Cereal is my jam - I've been an addict lately!
I didn't miss any food, given the beautiful pictures you've posted above! (And you know I love your food!) You know what? That you forgot to take photos when you husband came back after a few days away from you, after 3 1/2 years of marriage, has totally made my day. I just need to know once in a while that stories like yours *do* happen. So good to know!
BEAUTIFUL wedding pics!! <3 Those cupcakes look and sound deeelicious :) I hope one day my wedding is half as gorgeous as yours looked!
you are too kind Kelsey. Yes, your wedding will be beyone gorgeous because
of the love..... and thats all that matters.
oh i would have loved seeing wedding every weekend too. Kinda like a good chick
flick but in real life. haha. and i am a sucker for cereal too, just so
oh and I love that flavor too! You gotta try it crumbled in greek yogurt! its
like carrot cake cheese cakes!
hey, thats progress for having the flu, right? Feel better soon Tracy!
thanks Holly. I'm a sucker for wedding pictures too. Its fun to remember these
10 years?! Congrats. You have a beautiful marriage and a beautiful family.
oh gosh, maybe we will be flying to your house for dessert! Sounds great.
Great post, Lindsay! I'd definitely give you creative WIWW points, that's for sure. ;) I love the working it on the dance floor part. :D Today I worked my whole body with a quick four miles on the treadmill (we're back at a hotel on the last stop of our tour!) and then did a quick BodyRock workout (push ups, lunges, sumo squat, jumps, planks)...felt great! And what did I eat toady? A celebratory meal out: thai food in downtown Halifax to celebrate the fact that we have 1 screening left and then the tour is done... Crazy. So that was a fun thing to eat today. :D
Again, great wedding pics - beautiful and meaningful by the looks of them. Enjoy time with your husband...glad you're both together again! That's the best part about being apart. :)
ooh thank you so much Emma. thats means more than you know! and guess what,
these pictures are on the BIG ISLAND! where you will be soon!
I agree! I am in. We used to live there (I worked at the hilton and four
seasons) so maybe we could get a good deal. tee hee!
oh kath you just made my day with that comment. I am lucky to have married my
best friend. :)
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
oh thats a fun workout! and congrats on finishing the tour. Amazing! what
a journey!
ahhh so cute!!! how fun to have your weddin there! i love the cake it's so pretty. very creative WIAW! best thing i ate today...was a oreo stuffed in a chocolate chip cookie! haha amazing.
You look so beautifull!!! That dress! What a fairy-tale!!
whoa! now thats an oreo girl. thanks for making me drool!
LOVE the pic of you gettin down on the dance floor!!
Oh my goodness, your wedding was BEAUTIFUL!!! You looked stunning! Thanks for sharing!
oh my I love your dress. I love your hair....oh I wished you lived closer to help me with my wedding!! so pretty
oh I would help you in a heart beat. We might be in charlotte soon, so I would
love to chat. Email me any time about wedding stuff!
Lindsay Cotter
hehe, me too! It was so fun to let loose by then!
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
Aw, such beautiful wedding photos! You made one gorgeous bride!! I also slacked on the WIAW today:( but it's because I had a giveaway to start!!:) Yay! But my favorite thing I ate was my overnight oats...used my almost empty White Chocolate Wonderful PB jar, greek yogurt, bananas, oats (of course), chia seeds, milk, coconut, and then strawberries on top in the morning! Yum!
What a beautiful wedding!
I love seeing people's wedding photos. Kona would make a gorgeous backdrop, too.
I actually posted about food today!
your wedding looks wonderful and you two looks so radiant and happy!!cutest married couple award goes to.......
Awww I love your wedding pictures! You look soooo gorgeous, and I don't blame you for putting off taking pictures to spend time with the bhubs! Definitely way more important! :-)
You are too sweet!!! Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement! Your wedding is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen...I absolutely love your dress and really...everything about it!
The wedding pictures are beautiful!! You look amazing, but even more important than that is that you radiate joy and bliss! I especially love the picture of the dip with the husband with the beach in the background. It looks too perfect!
The best thing I ate on this WIAW was sushi! I was craving it like mad and my mom just happened to be heading over towards my favorite sushi place. It was quite convenient :)
what a beautiful wedding and a gorgeous couple! :) I love the creative WIAW version :) So glad you two got some time together after being apart. I hope that you're able to enjoy much more despite the busy season! :)
i love that we were on the same vibe today! i love the sleeves on your dress, so pretty and delicate! i think he dropped that on purpose too... boys. ;)
So cute!! The cupcake tier is such a neat idea! Hope your wk is going well!
Katie : )
Aww (and I'm a dude saying that!) I think coke in a bottle is like ketchup in a bottle- harder to find but totally worth it... Kind of like a true love, right?
You were a gorgeous bride, Lindsay! These photos are filled with so many happy memories! The love radiating between you two made the wedding truly beautiful.
I have no doubt that you tore up the dance floor that night. Love it! :-p
oh thank you Tara. That means a lot! And yes, I would have totally crashed that
sushi date. I crave it all the time too!
thank you Salah. You are just lovely with your kind words. Hope we can get
coffee this week. Friday or saturday work?
Lindsay C
yay! a food post?! I am going there now. That makes me happy raina! haha.
Oh my gooses, lady! What a GORGEOUS wedding! You two look so incredibly and marvelously happy! You are one of the most beautiful brides I've ever seen...awwww!
haha, yes, well said chuck! youre awesome!
yes, its much better now that the hubs is home. Thank you Katie.
thank you Jenny. I will gobble up the time I have with him before the next race,
etc. Hope your week is going well with you and your hubs. Enjoy that time!! You
guys are just adorable!
yes, we danced a lot. A lot fo it was to Jimmy Buffet! we love him!
oh that sounds good! I want that for breakfast. Can't go wrong with White
chocolate PB!
Lindsaaay, this makes me want to grab the closest hunky man and get married. you looked soso pretty and your wedding looked SO FUN!
GORGEOUS!! thanks for making me smile :)
Awwww Lindsay I love this post!!! =) You are so beautiful! And your cake sounds AMAZING.
That picture where he 'accidentally' dropped the cake down your dress is hilarious haha.
That is a more than a creative Wednesday!! Nice pictures and cupcakes :D
Have a good time with Hubs!
I can imagine the wedding and the location- I love Kona so much!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Oh lovely photos and post! What song was your last dance to though???
Best thing I ate...I made lamb stew with the hubby's homemade stout in it and it was darn good.
AWEEEE :) LOVE this!! It was so nice to read about your wedding and all of the eats.. so cute :)
The best thing I ate yesterday was salmon with sweet potato fries :)
Girl. Girl. Girl.
Beautiful. Beautiful. You.
That dress. Omg. Love the dress. The train.
oh now thats an award, especially given by you! Youre so sweet mariah, made my day!
thank. you. Hope you got that massage!
i love that last picture - you can totally see the love in both of your eyes! i also really like the fact that people seemed to have FUN at your wedding! you can totally judge a person by the company they keep and you seem to have been surrounded by a large group of beautifully happy and supportive friends/family! :) hope your husband had a great training camp!
oh man, we love guinness stew with lamb! I bet that was GOOD! Last song was by
sade- by your side.
oh yes, kona is special. We lived there for a couple years too. My second
home. Miss it!
men are men, right? I still can't believe that got that on camera!
haha, your man will come. and I'm sure you wedding will be AMAZING! with your
fun personality and, I can only imagine!
oh gosh, we did have fun! my husband and I always wish we could do it again.
Best party! hehe. But we bias of course.
Gorgeous photos! You made such a beautiful bride! :)
Ohh my gosh. LOvveed this post. You two are sooo preshh. The coke picture is so cute, and the cupcake tier made me drool!
I have so many things to say.
1. You (well both of you but esp you) look absolutely stunning!!
2. My husband is the same way about that special bottle. I don't get it. His mom buys it when he visits. I cannot afford that indulgence haha.
3. Your cake sounds divine! White chocolate cake and fruit preserves/filling is perfect! I had white chocolate and raspberry. Yummm!
4. Spilling the cake 'accidentally' down your dress....nice job, Mr. Cotter!
5. Your husband has great taste in (cup)cakes! :)
I really wish I could have been at your wedding!! It looks like such a perfect time with a mix of tradition, fun, and a laid back time. You made such a stunning bride, Linds! Billy would have drank at least 3 of the coke bottles - he loves those, too. What a fun way to re-live the day. I could go for one of those lemon cupcakes right now.
I know, the cupcake tier makes me drool too. And I can still remember that
taste, mmm mmm good! hehe.
oh you made me giggle when you got in Coco Cola alongside champagne! Keeping things grounded :D
i wish you could have been IN the wedding. If I had only known you then......
its fun to think about that.
haha, yes. cocla and champagne. They go hand in hand, right?
you two look amazing! Your wedding dress is gorgeous and you look incredible! Love the coke bottles. It does kinda make it more special, eh? Definitely a fun and creative WIAW!
You're so beautiful! I love seeing pictures from your wedding!
HUGE creative points - I never get tired of seeing your wedding pictures. Sooo beautiful and serene!! D loves his Classic Coke, too - but only on long rides. I think he craves the carbonation and sugar rush ;)
Best thing I ate yesterday - Avocado rice, no doubt!
Congrats! Beautiful! And nothing like a daugher/father dance =)
Great idea for a WIAW post Linds! Your cake sounds beyond incredible! I always love seeing pics from your wedding! You look gorgeous! And way to rock it on the dance floor chicka!
There's nothing in this post that I DON'T love. Your cake, your dress, the whole vibe of the wedding! Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing :)
it was special. I love remembering those moments.
James does too! But he like flat coke after rides, sometimes he mixes it with
gatorade. ICK! Avocado rice sounds perfect! so glad you were able to comment.
and the coke bottles had little hawaiian lei's on the them. so cute! I've kept
the bottles for decoration. Such a great memory!
ahh, I almost went with raspberry filling, but apricot has a certian place in my
heart. mmm, I wish I had a piece now!
hehe, yes, we loved the dancing. It was almost all Jimmy Buffet songs!
White chocolate with APRICOT filling!! Um...yes PLEASE. I can't get enough of apricot flavor lately! Your wedding looks breathtaking. Gorgeous people, gorgeous setting and delicious food. We are using old mini coca cola bottles as decor in the garden this year from a friend who had a RIDICULOUS collection. I'm going to be painting them but right now it looks like I drank the entire factory. :)
I love, love, love your wedding photos! What a beautiful bride you were! :) Simply gorgeous.
Hey! Look at this working when I use Safari! How fun to see you again---and the font is WAY better here, too. :)
So, is there an inside joke on the coke?
Best WIAW ever!
yay! go safari. My husband loves coke post ride. But he like them flat, no fizz. He seriously had quite the obsession for a while. Good thing we've kind of weened him off now. Or rather, the cavities have. haha.
BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!! What a dream wedding...the photographer captured some lovely moments, but the cake down your dress cracks me up!! ;)
Hi, I'm a new follower :-) I love that you did a destination wedding. I would have loved to do that, but staying close to home made sense for us. Thanks for sharing!
home is where the heart is, so I am sure it was a beautiful wedding with lots of
friends/family! thanks for your kind words Allison.
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant
haha, the photographer was a good friend. He did a great job capturing
our expressions. Loved it!
I am SO glad that I saw this before Friday.
OMG- your dress, STUNNING. I am in love with the back of it- I mean, the whole thing is gorgeous, but I love how intricate & delicate it is. PERFECT dress for a GORGEOUS bride :)
oh man, we love guinness stew with lamb! I bet that was GOOD! Last song was by
sade- by your side.
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