Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The GF Budget

Ahh yes, you people make me happy. It seems like most are in the same boat with technology. Rockin’ it old school. Ain’t no shame!

So I maybe lacking in my “techy” skills, but I certainly make up for it in other ways. One of the skills I have “upgraded” on is my approach to GLUTEN FREE shopping.

Picture compliments of Googleuntitled

You see, when I first had to start a GF diet (about 2 1/2 years ago), I was so overwhelmed with what to buy and how much it cost. At that time, the GF diet wasn’t really that widely known so brands and products were still a little scarce and overpriced. Heck, when we’d go back to New Zealand (where they have an ABUNDANCE of GF products), we’d stock up and pack our suitcases full just to save some money. I am pretty sure that the customs people thought we were food hoarders. haha!

The Hubs at the Auckland airport….GF products in tow….Landing in Auckland_640x480
Anyway, I finally figured out the best ways to shop Gluten Free while on a budget. And thanks to Holly’s Grocery Shopping Challenge, I learned how to budget even more. Do I get a medal now? Jk!

The Thrifty GF Shopper Style

  1. Sign up for GF newsletters- they will send you new product reviews and coupons on a TON of brands. Some of the ones I receive are listed below.
  2. Scope out weekly specials at your Health Food Store
    • I know that every Wednesday our Sprouts has double add savings for that week and they usually promote a lot of GF products. Sunflower Market and Natural Grocers usually have specials at the end of the month.
  3. Make a lot of your own flours.
    • If you are not a highly allergic Celiac, you can buy raw nuts, grains (millet, brown rice quinoa, etc), in the bulk section then grind them in the food processor until they are close to a flour like consistency.
    • If you are highly allergic, then stick to buying packaged GF oats, Brown rice, etc. Usually the grains in plastic packaging at cheaper than boxed.
  4. Be a TESTER before buying-
    • I usually like to email and new GF company to see if they’ll let me try out their brand before I buy it. Most of the time they are pretty compassionate and gladly send samples. This is especially true for cereal, granolas, bars, etc.
    • Also, Whole Foods will let you try it on the spot before you buy it. And they have a 100% refund policy if you are unsatisfied with it. This is true for most stores I think. Just have to ask.
  5. Make friends with your GF Café/Bakery/Farmers Market booths
    • There are a couple GF bakeries around our area and lots of times I will go in and chat with the baker/owner. Get to know their story and why they live a GF lifestyle. Ask if they have any new products and what they might recommend. Usually they are thrilled at your interest and want you to come back so often they will give you a heads up on any specials, deals, etc.
  6. And lastly, EAT YOUR FRUITS & VEGGIES! Yes yes, the best way to get stay gluten free is to eat your fruits and veggies. Why? Because they are naturally gluten free and can help your gut stay healthy.


    My Gluten Free Jalapeno Burger

    Total Cost- $2.00

with lots of VEGGIES!!!

I give it a thumbs up!

Do you shop Gluten Free? Any other questions, tips, etc?



Madeline said...

One of the few things I miss about living in Arizona is Sprouts and Sunflower Market! Best grocery stores ever!

Kath (My Funny Little Life) said...

Great tips, Lindsay! I especially like the one about making your own flour.

I've found things that are "special" GF (like, GF bread, pasta, etc) but usually not to be very expensive because of the label. Just becase it's in the GF corner of the supermarket makes it twice as expensive. :( So I usually don't buy those but stick to simple things like brown rice and legumes that are naturally GF and just "normal" food staples and thus not so expensive.

Another thing I highly recommend is shopping at an Asian supermarket. Noodles made from rice or bean starch are very common in Asian cooking, so you find them there or much lower prizes compared to regular supermarkets where rice noodles (e.g.) would be something "special" GF. I don't know about cross-contamination, though, but if you aren't *very* sensitive (and I'm not), this is a good option.

Bre said...

ohhhh I love love love love it! Unfortunately Cnaandian coupons are not nearly as fun...another reason that being American would be awesome! ;) wayyy better deals! You know that pic of James aat the airport? That is what I look like hauling goodies back from races!

Gen said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing! :D

Trisha said...

Awesome post! I went gluten free for a while when we were trying to figure out my digestive problems, and it was totally over whelming. But you make it look so simple :) nice job!

Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) said...

Definitely shop around! I know what price my stores sell their gluten free stuff at and so when I see it on sale at a different store, I grab it and stock up! Great tips Lindsay. That burger...dang that looks good!

Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) said...

Haha I love that you stock up when you go to NZ! That's what I'm planning on doing when I hit the States! :P

I'm actually gluten intolerant, but for now at least I still eat it, mostly because the expense of being a gluten-free vegan is too high for me! I don't eat too much gluten though thankfully, because I have stockpiled GF bread and oats from when they were on sale! :P That keeps the headaches at bay haha!

Love your tips!! Thanks for sharing:)

jessiepants said...

A great post LC, I'm not GF, but my sister is and I know she was a bit overwhelmed at first as well.  She's lived with us on a couple of occasions so I've been schooled in the arts.  
LOVE Sunflower Market, every time we go to the big city we go stock up!  

Matt said...

I don't shop gluten free, but I do eat a lot of gluten free products. Millet bread owns me.

Alaina Rose Bremer said...

Great post Lindsay! I don't have a gluten allergy but I've found that I feel lighter and my digestion seems a little better when I don't eat a lot of gluten. There are so many gluten-free products I love! Pamela's is the best! I use her baking mix for practically everything. :-) 

Nicole said...

Thanks for the tips! we buy mostly gluten free and it gets so expensive! I will definitly be following these tips :)

jobo said...

What a great post...I think this goes to also show that eating healthy, generally, on a budget, can be done. I was wondering this very thing, about those with gluten issues, how expensive it can be, just seeing the prices for some of it. LOVE the suggestion on emailing the company first for a sample!

Courtney L. said...

I'll definitely be passing this along to my friend who I emailed you about - so helpful. Hope you have a beautiful day!

Sable@SquatLikeALady said...

This is such a helpful, great post!! I had NO idea there were GF newsletters! Passing this along to my dad :)

Holly said...

You did so well Lindsay!!! And I love these tips -- definitely the one about contacting companies to try products. You get to try it  before you buy it, and they may just hook you onto their products, so it is a win-win.

Sam said...

great tips!! i'm still on a mission to find the cheapest produce. do you shop farmer's markets or grocery stores? how about places like costco/sams?

Averie said...

I am mostly GF.   The past year have been having a trace and a taste, so to speak, of things w/ gluten but for 5 yrs was strictly GF and your tip...eating your fruits/veggies/plants...YES.  They are naturally GF.  Trying to recreate GF cold pasta salad is one thing.  Why not just have a veggie based salad and skip the pasta pieces and add more veggies and nuts, seeds, etc.  Things like that are simple tweaks I wish people would realize they can/should make b/c it makes being GF wayyyyy easier.  And cheaper.   Great post!

lindsay cotter said...

oh yes, stock up here. Hopefully you'll get a Trader Joes and can have lots of
good finds. I really wish you were coming to TX!



lindsay cotter said...

oh you are so wise Kath. I totally forgot about the Asian Markets. Genius! We
used to shop at a lot of Asian market when we lived in Hawaii but now they were
are back in TX, there are only a few. Such a shame, those are where you get the
best finds too!


lindsay cotter said...

yep, all we need is  TJ's here and I'm one happy woman!!


Katie said...

I never knew about these newletters, but I'm signing up right now!  And that burger with the veggies?  Can I come over for dinner?

lindsay cotter said...

totally! I love it when they put Bob Mills on sale too, best of the best there.


lindsay cotter said...

oh I never knew that. Are you still GF? Hope this helps!


Kris said...

I like #6 - partly because I love my veggies and partly because my approach to eating is to find things that are already naturally what I want to eat, rather than finding substitutes - although sometimes a snack is essential :)  and like Kath, I also shop at my Asian markets a lot - great finds there, and many gluten free!

great post overall, Lindsay!  I love that so many have been motivated by Holly and her challenge - that was awesome! 

Julia said...

ummmm that burger looks AMAZING!!!!! yum. and fresh veggies are my absolute fave! these are some great tips...I have never even thought of asking companies to try some samples before actually purchasing things--that is a really great idea! Thanks so much for sharing your tips and tricks! I do not necessarily buy or eat everything GF but I know there are a lot of good ideas here that I can take away and apply to my own grocery shopping...I spend WAY too much money at the grocery! Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!

lindsay cotter said...

oh yes, do it! they send out awesome deals sometimes. And I always like being
the guinea pig for new products. What can I say, I'm a new product junkie!

As for the burger, you are welcome anytime. Its actually a lamb burger....even

Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant


Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

Thanks for all this advice! I'm slowly working on eating more and more gluten free, and feel so much better for it. I'll check out those websites, I'm all about deals!

Emily said...

Very helpful post!  I've been meaning to try making my own flours.  I don't have a gluten allergy but I notice I do feel a lot happier and more energetic without it.

lindsay cotter said...

i think you took the words right out of my mouth. Well said Avery. Produce, the
best GF product out there.


lindsay cotter said...

oh ya, I am so glad you tried a week out gluten free. I think it does wonders or
taper week, etc. You will feel a ton better. Let me know how the process
continues to go!


lindsay cotter said...

It's so easy to get caught up in new finds at the grocery store, I agree.
Definitely ask if you can try something first or email the company. $$ saved.

jenncotter said...

These are great tips!  I've considered trying to go more gluten-free, but, yes, the cost is prohibitive.  This helps a lot!

lindsay cotter said...

actually costco has some great organic produce these days. Apples and carrots
are usually what we buy there. For other produce, farmers markets are my best
finds. Thats if you want organic or just to buy local. Hope this helps Sam!



lindsay cotter said...

totally! I hate spending money speciality products that I end up not liking.
Thats why I love whole foods. They let you try anything once!


Missy said...

I'm glad you live in Austin (for now) with so many options.

lindsay cotter said...

oh yes, please do! If he has celiac, he can definitely benefit from those deals.
Let me know what he thinks!
Lindsay Cott


lindsay cotter said...

oh please do! Feel free to give her my email as well. Hope you had a
great memorial day Courtney!


lindsay cotter said...

yes, speaking of.......have you  tried any new veggies yet? hehe.


lindsay cotter said...

nicole, now that you have a blog, you should definitely email those GF
companies. Ask to do  review!



lindsay cotter said...

Pamela's is a great one! They usually have sample mixes of pamela's at Natural
grocers. I go there a lot for that. haha.



lindsay cotter said...

 You must try millet bread crumbs on fish, its awesome!

lindsay cotter said...

they have awesome deals! I think they usually have first of the month discounts.
Hmmm, i'm gonna double check that. Hope your sister is feeling better about it
these days.



lindsay cotter said...

are you still eating GF? If so, how's it going?


lindsay cotter said...

ooh I know, I need to send you some GF products from time to time. For real! But
I love that you stock up at races, awesome!


lindsay cotter said...

I wish you lived in austin, we could shop together and make kimchi....just a



lindsay cotter said...

Jen, email me anytime with questions about it. I think you should give it a


lindsay cotter said...

oh definitely, more energy because of the nutrient absorption. Happy bellies!
Let me know if you try any flour making!


lindsay cotter said...

if we come to portland, you'll have to take me some Asian Markets, there are so
few here for some reason. And you have been a great source for GF with all your
juicing. I love it!



Katelyn Block said...

Yayyyy beautiful girl!!! Slash I am just catching up and I LOVE THE NEW BLOG LOOK!! It is so nice and much more user friendly. Plus it makes you look tanner in your pictures if that makes any sense. <3 you

Kris said...

done! we have a couple here that are HUGE. great stuff!  (and I SO hope you're coming to Portland!!)   I love my daily juicing - made a pumped up one with dinner last night - juicing + spinach in the blender, YUM!   

Chrysta said...

awesome tips! I think these are great tips for no matter how you eat. Veggies are so key! I dont eat gf but I do eat high protein..which can get pricey at times too. So I fill up on lots of veggies and stalk down stores for good sales..haha! Ive started looking around online for sales and coupons for certain products if I can. But I think overall your tips cover all the bases. Great advice!!!

Salah said...

THis post is so helpful b/c I have to shop gluten free but I usually spend a tad bit too much.  I already signed up for those newsletters and will definitely be looking out a little more for more deals!  Ps. Are you going to post that recipe for the burger soon?  Looks amazing!!!

lindsay cotter said...

sure thing! maybe I can post it tomorrow for WIAW.  


lindsay cotter said...

Good to know Chrysta. I always love your approach. hope you had a great memorial



lindsay cotter said...

oh yay! thank you. It only took me a MILLION YEARS to figure out, haha. And I
look tanner? sweet! hope I do in real life too!


Amy said...

yaaa great minds think alike! those are awesome tips on gluten free shopping. i always just assume its more expensive but it looks like there are ways to cut the costs.  p.s. definitely love the new layout! it does seem like everyone was thinkin blog makeover this past weekend!

Caratunkgirl said...

I don't shop gluten free but I would think that this is great advice anyway!  LOVE the layout.

Dorry said...

Great tips, Linds! Your blog has definitely opened my eyes to all the GF possibilities...they really are endless! And you know I'm a budget queen, too. I love when companies stand behind their food and are willing to let you sample before buying. That's how they create loyal customers!

k said...

defo go with the making your own flours idea. mainly with any beans- they make baking recipes moist, light (if adding baking soda!) and add a nutty taste that is lovely :) oh, and it's cheap!! we like cheap!!!!

Cara Craves... said...

I am not a GF eater, but this is great for friends of mine that are. Thanks

Jen said...

My SIL and her family eat GF and my BIL's wife found out she has celiac disease last year, so they eat GF as well. When everyone was visiting last summer, all of our meals were GF and I felt a lot better, we may start ea  
ting more GF meals soon! Thanks for the tips :)

Heather @ Where's the Beach said...

Oh thank you for these tips. I am sooo passing them along to my sister. I only shop GF when I'm trying to buy foods for her when she's visiting or staying and house sitting. So I definitely don't have any tips. I do try to make GF things for her to eat too though, like my veggie burgers. And I do make my own oat flour rather than buying. I tried making chickpea flour, but it went bad pretty quickly which I had not anticipated.

lindsay cotter said...

oh go for it jen! i have lots of recipes and they are pretty affordable too! let
me know if you do. Yea!


lindsay cotter said...

so true! moist and really really delicious! thanks K!


lindsay cotter said...

you are so good at budgeting and making all your yummy GF goodies. LIke those
homemade Lara bars. Still need to try those.


lindsay cotter said...

and I love your NEW LAYOUT! woohoo!


lindsay cotter said...

hehe, yes it was that kind of weekend. blog makeovers!



lindsay cotter said...

oh i love your oatflour recipes. They are delicious. Your sis is lucky to have


Wendy said...

Scan first, store information, shop/purchase later.  Just a few minutes ago I got back from Wal Mart and found almond milk for about 30% cheaper than at TJs.  A few weeks ago there I found rice crackers for 70 cents a box cheaper than Nut Thins (the Blue Diamond ones).  Costco is my go to for quinoa (less than $10 for 4 lb bag). 

Another tip- trade coupons with friends/family.  Mom and I swap coupon packs when each is done.  Believe me, my folks don't eat what I do and I don't eat what they do- freeing up the coupons we like for each other! :-) 

Final tips- research til you cannot research any more and be creative!  The solutions are there, but sometimes it takes time and hardwork to find them.... quinoa, banana, and coconut for dinner... sure!  A few hundred recipes stored online- yep!  Resources and research ... reap the rewards! :-)

Jenny Mendez said...

I don't gluten free shop but I love that  you sign up for those newsletters to get thrifty :) Groceries can definitely get pricey!!

Blonde Ponytail said...

Ah, this is great!!  I agree GF is $$ but health is worth it and there are more and more products out there!  You are my favorite GF resource Lindsay and thank you for setting me on this path of good health!

PeasandCrayons said...

Great post girl! When i'm home with my fam in FL I gluten free shop with my mom and bro! I am always on the lookout for good recipes versus good products alone b/c, as you totally know, they are pricey! whoo! fabulous tips =)

xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons

Kate Horning said...

awesome post, I dont need to eat gluten free but I try to as much as possible and it is expensive, I love coupons and try to but stuff with them but honestly fruits and veg are the way to go :) 

Allie said...

Great post on how to save while on a special diet! You are one smart (gluten free) cookie ;)

Jess said...

That last meal looks SOOOO good. Something i'd love to eat for dinner :D

lindsay cotter said...

I'll make it for ya if you come to austin again. Can I bribe you?


lindsay cotter said...

exactly! love that we can eat fruit and veggies that are naturally GF. They are
the best tasting in my opinion.


lindsay cotter said...

oh ya, good tip girl. I bet you make some great recipe for your family too!

did you try disqus yet?


lindsay cotter said...

oh jess, you are too kind. I am so glad you are enjoying the GF lifestyle. Your
protein bars are totally a nice compliment to it too!


lindsay cotter said...

no kidding, food and gas are getting up there. Time to be the coupon
queen, right?


lindsay cotter said...

awesome tips Wendy, thanks! you are always so useful!


Michelle said...

I don't adhere to a GF diet, but I certainly have much respect for those that do. I'll eat GF, but I'm not strict about it. Your GF goodies sure look tasty though! :)

lindsay cotter said...

oh thanks michelle. I think we all need tips for shopping in general, ya know?
Lindsay Cotter
Nutrition Manager & Fitness Consultant


Michelle said...

That's very true! Eating healthy can get expensive if you don't learn the tricks. Most of which are to shop at farmer's markets. lol I think it generally is more expensive, but it's so worth it. Plus, when you're spending all your money on eating out, you have that much more for shopping for real food. :)

Michelle said...

Sorry, when you're NOT spending your money eating out. lol

lindsay cotter said...

well said girl!


Longchelsea25 said...

Last year I tried GF because the doctor recommended that it might help with my low blood sugar.  I too noticed how expensive it became.  I only stuck with it for a couple of months, and it did not really have a huge impact on my low blood sugar.  I agree with your tips, if you want to go GF look for those sales and grab the products when you can!

Lisakthrives said...

Great tips! I don't have any other tips...I'm terrible at it and for paying attention to prices of GF stuff. Although I do have the veggie thing down :)

lindsay cotter said...

I'd say you have the veggie thing MASTERED! I need to learn from you.


Tara said...

I've never had to shop or eat totally gluten free, but I've always wanted to try it just to see what it is like. My brothers used to eat a gluten free diet because it was recommended for children with Autism. They stopped that though and I'm not quite sure why, but it introduced me to a lot of gluten free snacks as a kid that I still eat today!

Rachel @ zealous & delicious said...

I'm definitely not gluten free but I love these tips.  Anyone with any kind of food allergies needs to be conscious of how to save money on groceries like this!  As a vegetarian, i've learned=COOKING SAVES MONEY. prepackaged stuff is often pricier.  

Liz said...

I love the tip to make your own flours - I'm oddly interested in alternative flours right now, and I'd love to make them myself!  

Leslie@Mommysgoingforarun said...

I love that you say "eat your veggies" and then put a huge picture of strawberries beneath it. Um... not a veggie, but still GF! I'm not sure if it was intentional, but it made me giggle.

kalli said...

i agree lindsay!  the best way to stay gluten free is to eat your fruits and veggies....being as natural as possible is the easiest way!  you and your hubs are so darn cute :)

lindsay cotter said...

Haha, whoops! Should have said FRUITS and veggies. Glad I made you giggle though.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Jenny Houlahan said...

Such great tips Lindsay, helpful to those of us who don't have to eat GF but still want to spend less! :)

BTW that burger looks amazing! :)

tea-bag said...

thank you so much for this info!  i don't shop gluten free but my office mate has celiac and i'm definitely passing this on to her!

lindsay cotter said...

thanks Jenny. spending a lot of Money can be a burden on a lot of people who
want to eat healthy so I hope this helps people to save.



lindsay cotter said...

Great advice Kalli, and thanks for always making me smile.


lindsay cotter said...

oh liz, with your baking skills, you'd master at making your own flours. Try it!


lindsay cotter said...

totally. Cooking and growing your own herbs, veggiges, etc. save a ton. Right?
great tips rach!


lindsay cotter said...

I think its great that you were exposed to GF foods at a younger age. Do you
still try to eat that way? I know GF diets really help with kids with austism.
It makes a HUGE impact on behavior. how are your brothers doing now?  I hope


lindsay cotter said...

oh wonderful! share the love! hope she finds great deals.


Pure2raw twins said...

yay for gluten free goodies :)

sorry to hear about the technology issues, we still get them and I get so mad. I even went to webschool - but did not learn everything I wanted (or needed) to learn....oh the joys of technology

lindsay cotter said...

oh good to know that I am not the only one with technology issues. ALthough, I
have to say, your site is impressive. Love what you gals have been doing!


brittany burns kelly said...

Just found your blog, and I think that you are too cute for words! I have been trying to go gluten free for years, but then always fail when a freshly baked pretzel roll or cake lands infront of my sniffer. So you are a wonderful role model and motivation for athletes that want to go gluten free. Thank you!

EnduranceIsntOnlyPhysical said...

lots of great tips, thanks for sharing!

Faye said...

Those are some great tips! I always find GF food so expensive aswell but it never crossed my mind to ask for samples or sign up to newsletters. Thanks!

Tri-Living...Together said...

What a beautiful looking meal! I love Whole Foods!! Such a great store!

lindsay cotter said...

yep, what would do without our beloved WF? right?

How's the training coming along? Your race is coming up, right?



lindsay cotter said...

I am so glad we live in a city that can accomodate to GF lifestyle too! Love


hungryrunnergirl said...

LOVE THIS!!! Girl, I NEED a whole foods.....the closest one is an hour away:(  Come shop, cook for me and then we can go running together and lay by the pool and be the best of friends:)

Lisa said...

I think these are some wonderful tips! Living a GF lifestyle can certainly be expensive - but as you pointed out - there are quite a few ways to get around that!

ps. we are 100%  visiting Texas in a few months (will be based in Dallas!)

lindsay cotter said...

what? You do need a whole foods! but at least you have COSTCO! DOn't worry, I'll
move in with you. Will Billy mind?


Apples said...

these are great tips!!I can just picture you coming back from New Zealand with huge bags of food!

lindsay cotter said...

totally! It was like we'd never seen food before. haha.
