Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Feelin’ Fresh

G’day! <-------as my hubs would say. Hope you all had a great Easter weekend! Easter Sunday is probably our most dressed up time of year. And that’s not saying much, haha. But it was a nice change. I even put on jewelry and make-up, and I mean real makeup. Not just chapstick and mascara. That’s a big deal for this UNgirly girl.

Janae, I think you need to teach me how to dress and apply make up! haha.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The hubs looked so good that I might have to bribe him again to dress up. I am pretty sure a few of these will do the trick!
After church and Easter lunch, we decided to get some fresh air with the pups. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
You know you live in Texas when you take pictures of a Cactus.
But just look how pretty their flowers are?
Spring time may bring a sense of renewal (aka spring cleansing), but Easter……..feels fresh. It’s like God is looking past all our little faults and allowing us to run free. Run free into FRESH air, FRESH hope, FRESH life.

I thought about how I might be needing FRESH approach to one area in my life, my habits. And it came down to this…..
Yes, this is a table setting. It’s been neglected lately. Instead, its been replaced with meals in front of the TV, computer, in the car, multi-tasking, etc. Suddenly I’ve made meals convenient for my “busy” day instead of breaking to enjoy and savor them. Our table has not been used in weeks, instead my computer has food stuck on it (peanut butter, avocado, etc) and my couch has a few more ketchup stains. EEK!

So what's the big deal you might ask? I need REFRESH my GOOD habits and my MANNERS. It’s important to me to slow down, yet some where, some how I forgot how to do it.

My goal is to focus one meal a day.
  • One meal where there are no technological distractions.
  • One meal that is not rushed
  • One meal that is with good company or maybe by myself in a calming atmosphere.
  • One meal that is made FRESH.
    My stubborn side wants nothing to do with this, while my body and mind are saying PLEASE TAKE TIME FOR US!
    Maybe you will join me? Maybe you are already doing this?
    Where do you need a FRESH approach?
    Cheers! LC
    Here’s a custom Healthy Bite I made with a FRESH approach. VEGGIES! Recipe up soon.