Well…..now I’ going to challenge you even more, but don’t worry, there’s a reward at the end. Think about whatever “growth” opportunity your working on. Is it measurable? Sure it is! Try to focus on “growing” this area of your life for 22 days. Why 22 you might ask? Because it take 22 days to break a bad habit or create a good habit. At least that’s what the statistics say. Remember my “growth” opportunity…. time management? Now for the next 22 days I am hoping to gradually become more efficient, even during the midst of the holiday bustle. By focusing on this I am hoping to stress less and live more. Report back to me in 22 days and I’ll let you know how its going. haha!
Now for the good part. My FAVORITE FAVORITE energy bar, 22 days nutrition has graciously shared their product with me so that in return I can pass it along to you! Clever name, right?
22 DAYS NUTRITION really sets the “bar” high (pun intended)
Creating Lasting Change
It was recently discovered that the human mind takes almost exactly 21 days to adjust to a major life change. We applied this principal to helping people live a healthier, more energetic and productive life. At 22days, we are committed to providing the nutrition and the tools to help make a positive and healthy difference everyday.
Nature’s Power
We believe that foods made with the finest natural ingredients satisfy not only the body but also the spirit. That’s why we created 22 Days nutritional products, a smart alternative to many of the well-known nutrition products on the market. Our vegan and vegetarian products are specially formulated using raw and organic superfoods, including the exceptional benefits of hemp and rice protein. When you eat well, you live well and the benefits go beyond the individual and can actually positively affect our environment.
Inspiring a New Way
As part of an overall healthy diet, 22 Days nutrition products are lightly sweetened with organic ingredients and and smoothies are free of trans fats, cholesterol and low in sodium. Whether the goal is to improve overall health and fitness levels, or train for a triathlon, 22 Days nutrition products inspire through taste, attitude, and a global conscience, replacing hunger with a healthy habit.
Source: https://www.22daysnutrition.com/
These bars have saved me, really. I use them when I travel and usually pre/post workout. Since I am allergic to gluten and sensitive to soy (bugger), I can never find a bar that actually taste decent but alas, I found the one. My favorite is the Enlightened Pumpkin seed but you the Nut Butter Buddha Crunch and Goji Mate Firecracker are a close second.
Oh dark chocolate nut butter goodness. 
Just look at those Goji berries!?!
Alright enough jabber. Lets get to the point. I want to giveaway a variety pack to one of you. You can choose what 4 flavors you want to try!
How to win: (I'm thinking you all know the drill by now).
- Check out 22 days nutrition website and tell me what flavors you want to try.
- Follow 22 days on twitter and/or tweet about it.
- Like 22 days on FB and let me know.
- And lastly, tell me what you hope to break or make in 22 days.
Cheers and happy growing!
I will post the Sugar and Spice Arrowroot cookie recipe this week. It will happen.

Oh my, they all sound so good! I'd like to try the Cherry Chocolate Bliss, Enlightened Pumpkinseed, Nut Butter Buddha, and Daily Mocha Mantra. YUM!
I also followed 22 days on twitter.
Aww I would LOVE to try cherry chocolate bliss, mocha mantra, fruit nut karma, and nut butter buddha crunch! Yum!
I follow them on twitter and FB :)
Umm, you had me at Mocha.... although any of them sound great!
What an awesome idea. I love doing stuff like this as a group so that we can support each other and feel accountable. Those bars sound and look amazing. If you use them than they must be A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I want to try Nut Butter Buddha Crunch. I liked them on facebook but I don't know what Twitter really is...I am behind ha! Happy Monday....I mean yeah ha.
I am going to work on my spiritual growth. I have not taken enough time to meditate, read, pray etc. I will be spending 30 minutes everyday growing in my spiritual health. Love this post as always.
I would love to try the Chocolate Cherry, Pumpkin Seed, Nut Butter, and Mocha flavors! I liked them on FB, but I don't have a Twitter. Does that exclude me from the entry??
My habit I hope to make in 22 days is to spend more time just being with my boyfriend and the puppies... I started off to a great start last night by taking a couple hours to watch the Animation Domination line up on Fox with everybody on the couch! :)
I would LOVE to try Nut Butter and Pumpkin...they all sound darn delish! I have never heard of this brand. What stellar ingredients, I am impressed. Must get my hands on these soon!!!
I would love to try the Mocha flavors. I'm going to have to check them out! Thanks for your post on my Boston blog post. I so want to try to do my first tri sometime soon! I'm so scared though.
OH I would like to try the nut butter buddha crunch, the cherry chocolate bliss, and the pumpkin seed!! Those look sooo yummy!
Very cool. I love discovering new, healthy goodies like this. I'm torn between the Pumpkinseed and the Nut Butter.
I tweeted about the giveaway.
Now, as for my 22 day habit...I need to break a bad habit of negative talk.
I just tweeted about it, too! I'd TOTALLY die for the nut butter one. I'm a sucker for anything nut-butter related. MMMM. PS. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm still trying to figure out what my "growth" goal is for the next 22 days...hmmmm. ;-)
i would love to try them all so i could find my favorite :) although anything with cherries and chocolates would be at the top of my list!
my 22 day goal would be to get more sleep. i am usually a champ at this, but ever since my marathon in october i've struggled to fall asleep. my brain forgot how to shut off, or something. i lay awake thinking about work, running, and, well, sleeping! its gotten pretty problematic...
oh SWEET giveaway girl! I want to try the mocha kind! i love the creative titles!
liked them on FB!
following on twitter!
My 22 day goal would have to be to 'relax' and enjoy the moment :) Ps - those bars look awesome!
In 22 days I want to accomplish a ton of cooking/baking! I want to read books! I also want to figure out where I am headed next semester and next year!
I want to try the Nut Butter Budha Crunch, Pumpkin Seed, and Cherry Chocolate!
I liked it on FB! :)
I adore this! OK Tweet and FB'd.
Down to business. I always thought it was 29 days, so it's awesome to be 22, I got this:) I'd say sugar but it is the holidays, so I am thinking about being 100% conscious of eating when I am actually hungry. I am such a grazer, and this might sound really dumb, but it's important for me to know that food is fuel...and occasionally yummy gingerbread men.
This is a really eye-opening idea. Your time management is another one I'd love to tackle.
You had me at soy, dairy and gluten free!! These look so cool Lindsay!!! The Nut Butter Buddha looks divine as well as the pumpkinseed and mocha flavors. I am so excited to see soy, dairy and gluten free bars out there other than the typical fruit and nut ones. I can't wait to try them :D
I'm following them in twitter!
Just liked them on facebook : )
In 22 days I hope to be a better mom and wife. The holidays will be over so I know I will succeed! I wouldn't mind getting off the Raw ice cream kick I've been on either :D Thanks for the great giveaway!
Take care,
Mmmmmm. daily mocha mantra!!! Yummo!
Following them, too :)
twitter/fb liking = done
any bar that GF, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan means yumminess just as nature intended it!
mocha mocha mocha. it has coffee. 'coffee is the nectar of the gods (and athletes)' ;) or nut butter...mmmmm. okay I would eat a bite of mocha then a bite of nut butter.
22 days goal...survive training camp. better yet- be faster than ever. to do this...fuel. lots of it. before, after, during and focus on learning what works best for me, and can use that knowledge in 2011 :-) I've got some unfinished business with that 70.3 miles...particularly the last 13.1...;)
1) Nut butter and Fruit Nut!
2) I'm following them on FB
If I win, I may be persuaded to share them with Jonathan. But only if he trades me with something that looks like that darn picture you have up there in your header. I salivate EVERY TIME I open your blog.
In 22 days, I want to be in the habit of getting out of my jammies before noon ;)
(36 year old fulltime RVer living la vida loca with a cute-butt husband and a stink-butt dog!)
I'd love the daily mocha mantra or the chocolate cherry :D
Oh, how I would like to get my sugar intake under control! Those bars look so yummy, though...
Daily Mocha Montra for me!
I hope to make more caramel cheetos so I can actually try them ;)
mmm...the nut butter one looks (sounds) awesome.
I'm following them on FB :)
I hope to get back into working out...and stick to healthy foods...
These bars sounds awesome! I really only eat one kind of bar because I try to stay away from soy as well. The Daily Mocha Mantra sound awesome.
I don't tweet ( horrors) but on FB!
Goji berry, pumpkin and or cherry chocolate sound awesome.
I would like to follow MD orders to cut my caffeine!
Oh my, I would love to try the Enlightened Pumpkinseed, the Goji one, and the cherry chocolate.
I "like" 22 Days on FB. I REALLY want these bars!
FUN giveaway! I just started following them on twitter and like them on FB. I checked out the website and these bars sound pretty ideal! The flavors that sound best to me are cherry chocolate, fruit nut karma, nut butter buddha and enlightened pumkinseed! But really, they all sound very appealing.
I love their philosophy! I hope to break my worry/stress between now and the new year and just enjoy the end of 2010! :)
The Goji Mate Firecracker sounds awesome (and not just bc of the *ahem* certain performance enhancing powers...) I'd also like the pumpkinseed, cherry chocolate, and mocha. Although they all sound awesome! Thanks for a great giveaway Lindsay!
I have heard of these bars (probably from YOU!) :) and they always look great... I'd love to try the Daily Mocha Mantra and the Nut Butter Buddha Crunch. they ALL sound great.
That dark chocolate looks great! I'd love to try it! The Mocha Mantra too!
I'd love pumpkinseed, too! Shocked? I didn't think so!
ooh, i've never heard about these before!! the pumpkinseed, choc cherry and nut butter would be at the top of my list :)
I hope to break some bad habits i've picked up... like eating when i'm not hungry at night. needs to happen, like yesterday ;)
Oh man, what a fab post (again!!!) It seems a lot of bloggers are posting about goals and growth opportunities and motivation for the new year, etc. and I'm thankful for that because after my competition I'm struggling with "goals" and having something to work towards. God knows I have PLENTY of things I can work towards to improve (in all areas of my life), but I am one of those people who likes a challenge to work towards daily. I've been feeling a bit melancholy ever since my competition was over. I guess the "build up" of 4.5 months of intense workouts and body transformation and then BAM!, it's over:( I'm really interested in running a 5K race this next year and trying my hand at running. I think that is one of the areas of "growth" I'm excited to focus on! :)
Mmm cherry chocolate bliss sounds wonderful!!! Hope you're doing well and having a wonderful tuesday :)
I can't wait for the Sugar and Spice cookie recipe:) Thanks for the sweet compliment, you made my day!
I guess for 22 days I should be making time to study each day.
This can be quite the challenge when I am teaching full-time
and attempting to complete a chemistry course...gotta do it though.
Sort of goes hand in hand with your time management one.
Those bars looks scrumptious!
I think I would like to try...
Chocolate cherry and Nut Butter top my list.
Either the pumpkin or the mocha flavors all the way. Those bars look really good!!!
And for my habit...I guess I need to break the bad habit of complaining about this pregnancy. And how perfect. In 22 days I may even be finished with it, so I could definitely accomplish that goal! LOL
I am going to come up with a gluten free cone recipe for you:) Then maybe you will come visit utah...I am sure your hubby would love to go skiing!!! Ski trip?
What flavor do I want to try? How about.. ALL OF THEM. Um.. yeah. The Cherry Chocolate Bliss sounds especially good though. :)
How have I never heard of these bars before??
Now following them on Twitter. :)
Like them on Facebook...
I'm on a roll here.
In 21/22 days I would like to break my binging/purging habit. I wonder if it's true that you can break/form a habit in 3 weeks.. guess there's only one way to find out. ;)
I'm back after following 22days on Twitter & FB the other day then getting busy at work. I have kept to my goal of stopping the coffee stops several times a week, though. I couldn't find the bars at the Dallas Whole Foods. Hopefully, they show up soon because the Nut Butter Buddha and Daily Mocha Mantra both look good.
The pumpkin seed bars look aazing!!! I've never heard of these bars before - I hope I get to try them!
I'd love to try the fruit nut karma! sounds transcendent!
I followed 22 days!
I liked 22 Days on FB!
My growth opportunity is to stick to the plans I have for fitness. Finish out the 30 day Jillian Michaels Shred Challenge I'm doing and then Stick to the P90X challenge I'm joining with some online friends. I want to have that great after picture!!
The pumpkin seed bars look aazing!!! I've never heard of these bars before - I hope I get to try them!
Now following them on Twitter. :)
I guess for 22 days I should be making time to study each day.
This can be quite the challenge when I am teaching full-time
and attempting to complete a chemistry course...gotta do it though.
Sort of goes hand in hand with your time management one.
Those bars looks scrumptious!
I think I would like to try...
Chocolate cherry and Nut Butter top my list.
Oh man, what a fab post (again!!!) It seems a lot of bloggers are posting about goals and growth opportunities and motivation for the new year, etc. and I'm thankful for that because after my competition I'm struggling with "goals" and having something to work towards. God knows I have PLENTY of things I can work towards to improve (in all areas of my life), but I am one of those people who likes a challenge to work towards daily. I've been feeling a bit melancholy ever since my competition was over. I guess the "build up" of 4.5 months of intense workouts and body transformation and then BAM!, it's over:( I'm really interested in running a 5K race this next year and trying my hand at running. I think that is one of the areas of "growth" I'm excited to focus on! :)
I'd love pumpkinseed, too! Shocked? I didn't think so!
The Goji Mate Firecracker sounds awesome (and not just bc of the *ahem* certain performance enhancing powers...) I'd also like the pumpkinseed, cherry chocolate, and mocha. Although they all sound awesome! Thanks for a great giveaway Lindsay!
I don't tweet ( horrors) but on FB!
Goji berry, pumpkin and or cherry chocolate sound awesome.
I would like to follow MD orders to cut my caffeine!
These bars sounds awesome! I really only eat one kind of bar because I try to stay away from soy as well. The Daily Mocha Mantra sound awesome.
Daily Mocha Montra for me!
Following them, too :)
oh SWEET giveaway girl! I want to try the mocha kind! i love the creative titles!
Now, as for my 22 day habit...I need to break a bad habit of negative talk.
I would love to try the Mocha flavors. I'm going to have to check them out! Thanks for your post on my Boston blog post. I so want to try to do my first tri sometime soon! I'm so scared though.
Umm, you had me at Mocha.... although any of them sound great!
Oh my, they all sound so good! I'd like to try the Cherry Chocolate Bliss, Enlightened Pumpkinseed, Nut Butter Buddha, and Daily Mocha Mantra. YUM!
I also followed 22 days on twitter.
OH I would like to try the nut butter buddha crunch, the cherry chocolate bliss, and the pumpkin seed!! Those look sooo yummy!
twitter/fb liking = done
any bar that GF, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan means yumminess just as nature intended it!
mocha mocha mocha. it has coffee. 'coffee is the nectar of the gods (and athletes)' ;) or nut butter...mmmmm. okay I would eat a bite of mocha then a bite of nut butter.
22 days goal...survive training camp. better yet- be faster than ever. to do this...fuel. lots of it. before, after, during and focus on learning what works best for me, and can use that knowledge in 2011 :-) I've got some unfinished business with that 70.3 miles...particularly the last 13.1...;)
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